User:Topbanana/Reports/This is the subject of an interwiki inconsistency
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The list below shows combinations of pages across different language wikipedias where the interwiki links (links to similar articles in different langauges) disagree. It was generated on 4th June 2004 from the 30th May 2004 database dump.
One of the most radical features of Wikipedia is it's multiligual nature. Interwiki links connect articles on the same subject in different languages. The most popular articles should exist in as many languages as possible. If you can, locate the corresponding articles in non-english wikipedias, translate the English article to create a new foreign language one.
Suggested improvements
Wikify the de: links. Guanaco 19:48, 24 Jun 2004 (UTC)
- de:Ball_(Sportgerät) links to Ball, but it links to de:Ball
- de:Ijob links to Book_of_Job, but it links to de:Ijob_(Buch)
- de:Bohne_(Pflanze) links to Bean, but it links to de:Bohne
- de:Herzogtum_Brabant links to Brabant, but it links to de:Brabant
- de:Kegel_(Geometrie) links to Cone, but it links to de:Kegel
- de:Crash links to Crash, but it links to de:Crash_(Film)
- de:Jean-Baptiste-Siméon_Chardin links to Jean-Baptiste-Siméon_Chardin, but it links to de:Chardin
- de:Code_Division_Multiple_Access links to Code_division_multiple_access, but it links to de:CDMA
- de:Kommutator_(Mathematik) links to Commutator, but it links to de:Kommutator
- de:Zentripetalkraft_und_Zentrifugalkraft links to Centrifugal_force, but it links to de:Zentrifugalkraft
- de:Kartograf links to List_of_cartographers, but it links to de:Kartograph
- de:Dune_I links to Dune_(computer_game), but it links to de:Dune_II
- de:Dayton_(Ohio) links to Dayton,_Ohio, but it links to de:Dayton
- de:Diploidie links to Diploid, but it links to de:Diploid
- de:Digital_Enhanced_Cordless_Telecommunications links to Digital_Enhanced_Cordless_Telecommunications, but it links to de:DECT
- de:Exodus links to Exodus, but it links to de:2._Buch_Mose
- de:Liste_ökumenischer_Konzile links to Ecumenical_council, but it links to de:Ökumenisches_Konzil
- de:Kobun links to Emperor_Kobun_of_Japan, but it links to de:Koubun
- de:Freie_Demokratische_Partei links to Free_Democratic_Party_of_Germany, but it links to de:FDP_(Deutschland)
- de:Francisco_José_de_Goya_y_Lucientes links to Francisco_Goya, but it links to de:Francisco_Goya
- de:Lockheed_F-117 links to F-117_Nighthawk, but it links to de:F-117_Nighthawk
- de:Großmeister_(Schach) links to International_Grandmaster, but it links to de:Großmeister
- de:Weintrauben links to Grape, but it links to de:Rebe
- de:Traube_(Wein) links to Grape, but it links to de:Rebe
- de:Elektrophorese links to Gel_electrophoresis, but it links to de:Gelelektrophorese
- de:Liste_deutschsprachiger_Dichter links to List_of_German_language_poets, but it links to de:Deutschsprachige_Dichter
- de:General_Agreement_on_Tariffs_and_Trade links to General_Agreement_on_Tariffs_and_Trade, but it links to de:GATT
- de:Hausziege links to Goat, but it links to de:Ziege
- de:Herbert_George_Wells links to H._G._Wells, but it links to de:H._G._Wells
- de:Hochdeutsche_Sprache links to High_German, but it links to de:Hochdeutsch
- de:Haploidie links to Haploid, but it links to de:Haploid
- de:Geistliches_Lied links to Hymn, but it links to de:Hymne
- de:Homofonie links to Homophony, but it links to de:Homophonie
- de:Islamischer_Fundamentalismus links to Islamism, but it links to de:Islamismus
- de:Instrument_Flight_Rules links to Instrument_flight_rules, but it links to de:IFR
- de:ICD-Schlüssel links to International_Statistical_Classification_of_Diseases_and_Related_Health_Problems, but it links to de:ICD-10
- de:Faktorisierungsverfahren links to Integer_factorization, but it links to de:Primfaktorzerlegung
- de:J._G._Ballard links to J._G._Ballard, but it links to de:J.G.Ballard
- de:Juda_(Reich) links to Judah, but it links to de:Juda
- de:Links_(Browser) links to Links, but it links to de:Links(Webbrowser)
- de:Fotolithografie links to Lithography, but it links to de:Lithographie
- de:Lithografie links to Lithography, but it links to de:Lithographie
- de:Motion_Picture_Patents_Company links to MPPC, but it links to de:MPPC
- de:Marktform links to Market_form, but it links to de:_Marktformen
- de:Fleisch_(Begriffsklärung) links to Meat, but it links to de:Fleisch
- de:Multipurpose_Internet_Mail_Extensions links to MIME, but it links to de:MIME
- de:Mathematikwettbewerb links to List_of_mathematics_competitions, but it links to de:Mathematikwettbewerbe
- de:Männliches_Geschlecht links to Male, but it links to de:Männlich
- de:Mac_OS links to Mac_OS, but it links to de:MacOS
- de:Marrakesch links to Marrakech, but it links to de:Marrakech
- de:Matze links to Matzo, but it links to de:Mazzen
- de:Systematik_der_Knochenfische links to Osteichthyes, but it links to de:Knochenfische
- de:Organell links to Organelle, but it links to de:Zellorganell