Past Talk
NPOV, mideast: Lists of massacres; indiv desc (Qana, et al).
Vanity, memoria: prosperous 12-yr old girl suicide; other.
Vanity, YPD: unofficial, celebrated in US by some math geeks.
Update/NPOV : 47 Ronin; contemporary views, #, etc -- w/Noel, who also loves the story and knows much about it.
Present Talk
Numbers : nav-schema, layout, existence/interest.
News/Answers : skyfaller/tomg/ror ideas about subsites focused on these interactions. (easier to achieve once this is a thriving community with working tokens of appreciation/wealth/prestige.)
Vandalism : forms of punishmnent, justice, and maintenance of stability acros wikidom and across the social world.
Interface : Prefills, VfD splitting/headers
Future Talk
Multidim Data : wikisource high-dim info like famous people/attribs.
APIs, Collab : interleaving wikisource w/ other indep datasources.
Trans, Collab : interleaving various langs, multiple parallel arts in a single lang (consider transl v. indep authorship, dueling edit warrior [N]POVs)
Version Stabilization : formalizat'n of 'accepted community knowledge' w/ global coordination & distrib. expression of opinion [over time & social-net & activity], w/o local strong-arming (deletion, polls/votes, &c) : trust & opinion nets, indiv attribs (expertise, utility, universality & neutrality, identity)?
Profile narrowing : making trolling less fun and profitable, structurally (higher barrier to visible entry; default harshness (with optional retraction);