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My interests

My interests are chiefly in

- science

 - biology
   - evolution
   - insects
   - birds
 - biologists

- india

 - science
   - biology
     - biologists

- mathematics

 - recreation
 - numerical techniques
 - geometric algorithms
 - computational problems

Some of the articles that I take an interest in:







Sooner or later Google or its contemporaries will have to seriously use Wikipedia as a reference corpus for word-association building in the 'Cyc' style [1] (

What would happen to Wikipedia then ?

Another nice application would be to track the way users forage through the wikipedia. Like ant-trails these could be used to put scent-trails and strengthen topic associations.

From: Jimmy (Jimbo) Wales
To: Shyamal
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 2004 08:11:35 -0700

I do not own Wikipedia, it is owned by the nonprofit Wikimedia 
Foundation, which I founded and am the president of. It really isn't 
possible to sell Wikipedia to anyone. 

However, the concept of intelligent word association is a great one, 
and I've played around a bit with the data myself toward that end. I 
do expect people will make use of it. 

Perhaps the smartest or dumbest thing I ever did was to give Wikipedia 
to a nonprofit organization. :-) 

Shyamal wrote: 

> Hi Jimmy, 
> Just a query out of curiosity. 
> Sooner or later, someone like Google would like to make use of Wikipedia for
> intelligent word association identification (the 'Cyc' idea) and they are 
> probably going to be interested in getting more control as well i guess. 
> Would you sell Wikipedia off to Google if they made a huge offer ? 
> I am interested merely in your stand on this. 
> best wishes 
> Shyamal 
> ps: a very belated thanks for wikipedia :) 


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