Missing image Samboy_at_beach1.jpg Me at the beach, April 2004 | |||
"Indignation acts like a drug, releasing massive amounts of endorphins into the system" - David Levinson
"Linux has grown like a penguin in a salmon hatchery in a fairly short amount of time" - Random Leigh
"The most expensive words in history are 'This time, it's different'" - Tom Sykes
"You find as you look around the world that every single bit of progress in humane feeling, every improvement in the criminal law, every step toward the diminution of war, every step toward better treatment of the colored races, or every mitigation of slavery, every moral progress that there has been in the world, has been consistently opposed by the organized churches of the world. I say quite deliberately that the Christian religion, as organized in its churches, has been and still is the principal enemy of moral progress in the world." - Bertrand Russell
"With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil—that takes religion." - Steven Weinberg
(This is not 100% true; a lot of the abolitionists were deeply religious [ But look at Template:Ref], as was Martin Luther King; however it is in many ways very true in today's political climate)
"Unix makes easy tasks hard and hard tasks possible. Windows makes easy tasks easy and hard tasks $29.95." - Anonymous Slashdot poster
Contents |
About me
My name is Sam Trenholme; I am a student of computational linguistics in California, USA, and will complete my degree in the summer of 2005. I am a former Catholic convert who "officially" renounced Catholicism in the spring of 2004 (just before Easter; Palm Sunday is the last mass I have gone to). My interests can be seen based on the pages I have edited. My contributions are generally relatively minor, but are on a large number of different pages. If you want to email me, you can find my email on My web page (
I am a member of the green party and voted for Kerry last November; I have good friends who have voted for both Kerry and for Bush.
To do
Since I am already familiar with the subject, it is just a matter of finding free time to write a Rijndael Mix column and Rijndael test vectors article, and linking these articles to the main Rijndael page. I have already written a Rijndael S-box, a Rijndael Galois field, and a Rijndael key schedule article.
Pages about Chile in English and Spanish
There are a number of pages which cover the same sub-topic of Chile (a city in Chile, an area in Chile, a time in Chile's history, or a famous Chilean) in both the English and Spanish Wikipedias. Interestingly enough, the English-language coverage of Chile is generally more extensive than the Spanish-language coverage (
However, there are some Spanish-language pages on Chile without English equivalents:
- Quillota (, a city in Chile.
- Some other cities without English translations: La Serena (, Quillota (, and Talagante (
- Chiloe "Big Island" (
- Mateo de Toro ( is a conquistador who we don't have an English entry for (but he is a red link on this long list of "red links").
- Balmaceda ( is a former president of Chile.
Pages I have translated myself:
- 1891 Chilean Revolution ( is now translated as Chilean Civil War
Pages that Trilobite has translated:
- "Roto" ( (literally "Broken"), which appears to be a nasty Chilean slang term for a poor city-dweller
- "31 minutes" (, a Chilean TV program
- Antofagasta (, a city in Chile.
- Rancagua (, another city in Chile.
- Arica (, yet another city in Chile.
I may put the untranslated pages on the requests for translation page, or try to translate them myself.
List of stubs about Chile
Universidad Arturo Prat Universidad Austral de Chile Universidad Católica de Temuco Universidad_Católica_de_Valparaíso Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción Universidad Católica del Maule Universidad Católica del Norte Universidad de Antofagasta Universidad_de_Atacama Universidad_de_Concepción Universidad de La Serena Universidad_de_La_Frontera Universidad_de_Los_Lagos Universidad de Magallanes Universidad_de_Playa_Ancha_de_Ciencias_de_la_Educación Universidad de Talca Universidad_de_Talca Universidad_de_Tarapacá Universidad de Valparaíso Universidad_del_Bío-Bío Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana Universidad Diego Portales Universidad Gabriela Mistral
List of red links about Chile
Template:Valparaiso has a few red links.
Santiago lists some red links:
Municipalities: Cerrillos Cerro Navia Conchalí El Bosque Estación Central Huechuraba Independencia La Cisterna La Florida La Granja La Pintana Lo Prado Macul Ñuñoa Pedro Aguirre Cerda Peñalolén Providencia Pudahuel Quinta Normal Recoleta Renca San Joaquín San Miguel San Ramón
Universities: Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano Universidad Alberto Hurtado Universidad Bernardo O'Higgins Universidad Bolivariana Universidad Católica Raúl Silva Henríquez Universidad Central de Chile Universidad de Artes y Ciencias Sociales (ARCIS) Universidad de Artes, Ciencias y Comunicación (UNIACC) Universidad de Ciencias de la Informática Universidad de Las Américas Universidad del Desarrollo Universidad del Pacífico Universidad Europea de Negocios Universidad Finis Terrae Universidad Iberoamericana de Ciencias y Tecnología Universidad Internacional SEK Universidad La República Universidad Mariano Egaña Universidad Mayor Universidad Miguel de Cervantes Universidad Nacional Andrés Bello Universidad Santo Tomás Universidad Tecnológica Vicente Pérez Rosales
A table to display chess positions
There used to be a problem with there being a number of different styles of chess boards in the various entries for chess; I liked the solution by Arvindn of using graphics for each square, arranged in a table. The downside of this solution: It's slow to load the board over a dialup.
Chess Variants
Chess Variants is something which has held my interest since I learned the rules of Chess. In light of this, I have authored the page on Tori shogi, and expanded the entry for Capablanca Chess.
There is, naturally, a limit to what Chess Variants should be listed here; in particular, I don't think a Chess variant should be listed here just because it has a page on ( A Chess variant, to be listed here, needs to be a recognized Chess Variant on ( or a variant that is well-known.
Offensive content
This is a rather controversial subject. See User:Samboy/Offensive.
Template:Note The Physics professor Stephen Weinberg, in his essay "A Designer Universe" [1] (, says that "Where religion did make a difference, it was more in support of slavery than in opposition to it"
(Yes, English is my L1, and I've read too many cheezy Sci-Fi novels)