
Welcome to my Wikipedia ( user page!

Me as a person: visit my LiveJournal user-profile page (

Me as a Wikipedian:

  • I tend to contribute content-wise to articles about mathematics and grammar, two areas in which I know a good deal; I've also started several articles in each of these areas, but much of that was before I created my account, so my contributions page ( doesn't reflect it. *shrug*
  • I tend to contribute grammar- and structure-wise to other articles I read, depending how much time I have and how slow Wikipedia is being.
  • I tend to avoid articles about the Palestinians or the Israel-Palestinian conflict like the plague. Wikipedia strives for a neutral point of view, not a "right" point of view; and while I might be capable of suppressing my point of view for long enough to contribute neutrally to an article, I'm not sure I have any interest in doing so. (Imagine that there somehow came to be a popular point of view that the U.S. dropped nuclear bombs on Afghanistan in the late 1980s, that news-media cited this belief whenever mentioning the 9/11 attacks as though to justify them, and that you were perfectly aware that no such thing had ever happened. Wikipedia, quite neutrally, would acknowledge both viewpoints and give preference to neither, and you wouldn't criticize this practise; but you wouldn't want to write, "Many historians state that the U.S. dropped nuclear bombs on Afghanistan in the late 1980s" without being able to add, "but this is obvious hogwash." You'd simply never touch those articles. That's how I feel about the anti-Israeli lies that the PLO and its supporters purvey and that news-media often repeat unthinkingly.)


If you'd like to get in touch with me, you can add a comment to my talk page, and I'll see it next time I visit Wikipedia; or you can e-mail me, at:

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