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Beijing, China
Roc Irwin (Chinese Name:E,PENG)
Research Assistant on:
Special China Project and Radical Innovation ( Project
Lally School of Management and Technology (
Rensselaer_Polytechnic_Institute (
Contact (

My News

  • (Jun. 07, 2005) I have started my intern at GE Corporate in Schenectady, New York for a week, it's a nice place to work and learn.
  • (Jun. 18, 2004) I chose to attend MBA ( program at Rensselaer_Polytechnic_Institute (RPI) (, the oldest technological university of US. My concentration will be Innovation Management, also I'll be a TA for the spring and fall 05. The RPI's Lally School of Management and Technology (, the school that I'll attend, is well known for its research on “Radical Innovation (”. I plan to start from Beijing, China and arrrive Troy, NY on Aug. 12th.
  • (May 16, 2004) I've been invited to give a speech on "IT Aided Creative Education" at the China Education Summit ( to be held on May 20~21 at People's Congress Hall.
  • (Apr. 20, 2004) Invited by Peking University, the most prestigious university in China, I gave a keynote speech on “IT Aided Management Innovation” on the “Enterprise IT Management and Competitive Advantage Forum” on Apr. 17, and was greatly welcomed by auditors, mostly C level officers from famous companies such as Hewlett-Packard, Lenovo ( and the Chinese central government.


Created in China, Innovated in Europe, Valuing in the US, to Globalize the World through innovation and with creativity.

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My Contributions to Wikipedia

My Wikipedia ID is 51866, my contributions to Wikipedia includes but not limited to CAIC, Information Technology and Creatology.

Computer Aided Innovation And Creativity

Business intelligence Information technology

Genrich Altshuller TRIZ Creatology

My Hobbies

I'm interested in calligraphy, painting, jogging, skating, tennis, pop music, biography, cooking, etc.

Recommended Links

My Personal Homepage:

zh-cn: user:epeng


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