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The ban Paektu system

Interesting! There IS a system here. And that system page needs upgrading.

What element of reality does P represent that the system is unwilling to face?

P brings in incendiary material. The incendiary aspect for the W environment manifests as

  • vandalism
  • copyright
  • POV

The system will deal with the incendiary aspect by the mechanisms that the W system has for avoiding the work in the area to which the incendiary module maps.

The adaptive work for the W system is to discover how to channel P into a productive mode. An analogy might be the committed Christian. How do you get the Christian into productive mode dealing with reality?

  • As a model of the interaction of the system components, the Christian model might be useful. The OS has various methods of pushing the Christians into churches to keep the incendiary aspect in a safe place.
  • The al-Queda model. The OS sees no value to the al-Queda doings.
    • For example, there is the Jon David ( analogy. What can I do?

A for the outer system (OS)

  • Stalin and Hussein represent an opposition to the flaws of capitalism
  • S and H lose credibility because of their incendiary aspects which include:
    • brutality
    • alpha process

Questions for P

  • What is the value in what S and H represent?

Challenges in asking those questions

  • How to keep the spotlight off P
  • How to get P to use himself as data without putting himself on the cross

Questions for R

Can the W system absorb an adaptive view?

Raw data of the system workings

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