Mr. Brown is a 20 year old student at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, majoring in political science. He currently runs in his spare time and appeared on MTV's MADE as a computer geek wanting to be made into a "ladies man".
Mr. Brown specializes in American History after 1945, Louisiana politics and political history, Oddball Representatives (such as James Traficant), and current events. He's also a complete computer geek and knows quite a bit about technology and currently owns over 15 personal computers, including an Apple Power Mac G5, a PowerBook G4, a custom built Athlon 2000+ based "workhorse", and an old 8086 0.4MHz Toshiba Laptop.
Mr. Brown is currently attempting to clean up and add to The X-Files.
Odd Events
He ran for Mayor of Youngsville, LA in 2002 and earned 3% of the electorate (32 votes). This was done with absolutely no campaigning and one 2 minute television appearance (a miracle for a small Louisiana town). He was also the youngest person to run for Mayor of Youngsville at the tender age of 18. :-D