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I'm Rich, a geek from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. I look remarkably like the handsome gentleman illustrated at right.

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Timwi and I were talking on LiveJournal's IRC channel about wikipedia, and next thing I know I've spent a couple hours reading policies and style guides, and a whole weekend writing a couple of articles and fixing up more and enjoying RC patrol, and it seems like I might stick around.

You can glean more info about me from my LiveJournal ( and its userinfo page (, and my website (

For two days I was known as RichL, but ten years of being "mendel" on IRC won out.


All of the following make using and contributing to Wikipedia easier for me:

Areas of Interest

In which I describe in a barely-organized manner the sorts of things I expect I might be contributing to based on my interests and history.


I'm a Unix system administrator and Perl programmer by trade, and while I only briefly studied formal computer science I expect I'll touch on that area here and there.

I'm currently employed by Mitel and thus might be able to lend some help in telecommunications, particularly voice over IP.

Sociology and Economics

I have an undergraduate degree in sociology which at times started looking like I might end up studying Economics instead. My areas of concentration at the time included deviance, labor theory, queer theory, and medical sociology.


I studied jazz performance and computer music at the undergrad level for three years before switching into sociology. I play rock and jazz bass guitar, jazz and a bit of classic double bass, Irish traditional music on the flute and tinwhistle, and a bit of bodhrán and guitar.

Much of my listening time is filled with indie rock. The first article I wrote from scratch was on Canadian indie rock band Hot Hot Heat.


I possess (but have not used for nearly a year, but that should change next spring) a student pilot permit, and am predictably a bit of an aviation nut, although I'm certainly not an aviation historian. Nonetheless I expect I will be dabbling in some general aviation articles.


I have no formal training in physics whatsoever, but I might have enough understanding thereof to tweak articles toward the layman level.


I'm a twenty-minute drive from the National Archives of Canada, Parliament Hill, and similar institutions, and am looking forward to opportunities to do research based on original sources.

The geographic areas of Canada which interest me most are:

Articles for which I take some blame

Full or nearly-full blame

Partial blame


To-do list


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