User:Jzhang/Virtual Safari/Jeep Tour



Part 1

Timon: Welcome to the nighttime safari jeep tour! We're going in style this time, folks! Real luxury! Watch this!

(LCD pops up)


(Switches to "The Presentation of Simba")


(A piece of bacon comes onscreen)

Pumbaa: Emergency Bacon!

Timon (correcting pumbaa): It's not bacon! It's "Beacon"! Emergency Beacon!

Pumbaa: Sorry!

(LCD flips down)

Timon: All right, Pumbaa! Cameras ready? Let's do it!

(Car drives)

Timon: Notice the exotic african wildlife.

(A rhino sign comes up)

Ooh, look, a rhino crossing! Stop the Jeep!

(LCD comes up)

That red dot's us, Right?

Pumbaa: I think so. Hmm, I wonder what that sound is?

(Thundering footsteps come from your DD reciever's L and Subwoofer Channels, A rhino appears)

Timon and Pumbaa: RHINO!

(The rhino bumps the jeep, the DVD player skips to parts of "The Lion King" movie)

DVD (Pumbaa + Nala):SHE'S GONNA EAT ME!

(Rhino bumps again)

DVD (Hakuna Matata Song): Hakuna Matata!

(Rhino bumps again)

DVD (Timon Pushing Stuck Pumbaa): AAAAAAAH!

Timon: He's gonna skewer us! Go! Go! Give it some gas! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!

(Car drives very fast, you hear the rhino on your SL speaker, you end up on Resturant Road)

Timon: Pumbaa! I'm ok! Are you ok? How do you feel?

Pumbaa: Uh, actually, I feel a little hungry.

Timon: Hey! you're in luck! Resturant Road! Which one do you wanna pick? Your choice! As long as they've got food, Pumbaa and I will Be right at home!

Pumbaa: Left looks good, no, right, no, left, I'm hungry, and I just can't decide!

Timon: Jeez! Now I'm getting hungry! Let's go!

If you chose Right, this is what you get:

Pumbaa: Yum! Yum! Yum! I love fast food!

Timon: Ooh! This looks good!

(Images of Timon and Pumbaa are painted on the rock with an Evil smiley and specials such as:)

Pumbaa: Meerkat tail on a cob! Warthog snouts and tusks! WEEEEEEEOOOOOOO!

Timon: Mongoose Pot Pie! AAAAAAAAAAAH! It's us on the menu!

Banzai (On speakerphone): Welcome! How would you like to try our warthog special?

Timon: Pumbaa! Get us out of here!

Banzai: (Laughing) It's Dinner Time!

(Car drives out of the road fast and onto a plain)

If you chose Left, This is what you get:

Pumbaa: Ooh! They've got all my favorites! Timon!

Garble on speakerphone: we aaaaav abrov carenm snovez

Timon: Aaa, Hmm, I'll have the Double Double Maggot Burger, Side of Cenitipedes. Ooh! Wait! Can I super size that to Millipedes? Ooh! And some nachos with extra Dungbeetles!

Pumbaa: I'll have the stinkbug-locust combo on a leaf, hold the termites, and the weeval on a stick. The giant one! Not the lesser of the two weevals! (Laughing) Ooh! And I also want a lice cream cone!

Timon: Make that 2!

Garble on speakerphone: we aaaaav abrov carenm snovez

Pumbaa: Wha?


Pumbaa: Uh, Maybe he means go to the drive up window.

(A plate with everything they ordered comes up)

Timon (munching): Great find! We have to come back here

Pumbaa (munching): Delicious! mind if I try one of your Dungbeetles?

Timon (munching): No Problem!

(Pumbaa Burps, They continue to munch)

Pumbaa: Yummy! Delicious!

(Timon smacks his lips)

(the car comes onto a plain)

Part 2

(Silence for 5 seconds)

(LCD pops up)

Timon: Human technology! You gotta love it!

(Rumbling coming from the Subwoofer Channel)

What's That?

Pumbaa: Uh, I think it's my stomach.

Timon: Are you sure? It's awful loud even for you!

(Rumbling continues, you face back to see wildebeast!)

Timon and Pumbaa: STAMPEDE!

(Thundering footsteps on every channel)

Pumbaa: Down! Down! Down!

(Wildebeast run away, you find yourself near The Elephant Graveyard!)

Timon: That was close! That was really really close!

Pumbaa (factual): Timon, Did you know the Wildebeast is also called the "Ganew"?

Timon: Oh, "Gethank you" for the very nice tidbit! We just almost got squiched here! You there! All safe and out of danger, What do you think? Which way? Cave or around the mountain?

If you chose Left, you'll get this:

Pumbaa: The Elephant Graveyard!

(The Hyenas appear)

Banzai: Well! Looke here! Dinner and a side dish!

(Actual hyena sounds appear in the rear speakers)

Pumbaa: Uh oh! Hyenas!

Timon: Let's get out of there!

Pumbaa: Where?

Timon: Anywhere!

(You go down the ribs of an elephant into a cave, Timon and Pumbaa make some noise, You end up in the chamber of mini-volcano vents.)

If you chose Right, you'll get this:

(you drive into the cave, the car stalls)

Timon: Oh no! It's really dark in here! Come on! Start! Start!

Pumbaa: This is so scary! At least I have my blankie! (kissing)! My blankie always makes me feel better!

Timon: That's my tail!

Pumbaa: Oops! Sorry! Oooh! Look! There's some Fireflies!

Timon: That's strange, they're in pairs!

(Timon turns on his flashlight, bats come flying in your face!)


Timon and Pumbaa: BATS!

Timon: EEEW! EEEW! Don't let'em get in my fur!

(Car finally starts up! you arrive in the chamber of mini-volcano vents)

Part 3

Banzai: Oh! Isn't that just too bad! your road seems to have come to an end!

Timon: Oh no! What do we do? Forward? Backward? Left? Right?

Pumbaa: There are no arrows on screen!

Timon: Oh great! So, Uh, forward it is! Hang on, Pumbaa!

(The mini-volcano vents erupt one by one in front of the jeep)

Timon: Right! No! No! Left! No! The other Left! Wait! Return! Stop! No! Go! Go! Go! Go! Ooh! Oooh! Look out! No! (Gibberish)! AAAAAAAAAAAAH!

Pumbaa: I thought you were driving!?

Timon: I am!

(Hyenas sounds from Rear channels)

Ok! It's over! It's over! Oh sure! Now they put up the arrows! Where were they then we needed them!?

Pumbaa: Maybe they just weren't ready! So what do you think? Should we go up or down?

Timon: Up! Down! Who cares?! Just help us!!!

Banzai: Excuse me! This is a toll road! And today's toll IS YOU!

Timon: Uh, Pumbaa! I think we're invited for dinner!

If you chose Right, this is what you get:

Pumbaa: Stay to the right!

Timon: There is no right!

Banzai (From behind): Hey! Would ya drop in for dinner?! (Laughing)

(Car drives dangerously close to the edge of a cliff, Ed laughs, you bump on a ramp, you drop into a 2000m deep cave.)


(You continue to fall)


(The car crashes in the darkness)

Pumbaa: I think my tusks are coming loose! Hey! Maybe I'll have to move to Tuscalossa.

Timon: Ooooy!

If you chose Left, this is what you get:

Timon: Hold on!

(Car drives into a tunnel, rocks fall with the Subwoofer channel extremely intense)

Timon: Ooh! Oooh! Look out! No! (Gibberish)!


Timon: Right! No! No! Left! No! The other Left!

Pumbaa: Wait! Which way is left again?

(You pass over lava)

Timon: Ow! Hot! Tail on fire!

Banzai: Oooh! HAHA! Can't wait to try some!

Pumbaa: Oooh! Ow! Oooh! Ow! Hey! Oooh! Ouch! Eeee! Watch it! Oooh! Ow! Oooh! Ow! Oooh! Oooh! HOHO!

Banzai: Hey! Don't be a stranger!

(Car slams into darkness)

Pumbaa: Sorry!


(Back to the beginning of the route)

Timon: Well, here we are! Thank you for joining us on the tour! Please exit to the right! Make sure you have all your personal belongings! Make sure to come back and see us real soon!

Pumbaa: Uh, Timon, is that all you're going to say after all we've been through?!

Timon: What? It's just a ride!

Pumbaa: That was a ride?

Timon: Yeah, what did ya think?

Pumbaa: Oh, Uh, I knew it was a ride, Yep!

Timon: Wanna go on it again? Ooh! Wait! Let's look at our pictures first!

(Depending on the trip you took, your pictures will be diffrent everytime you go on the ride)



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