User:Jzhang/Virtual Safari/Boat Tour






Part 1

Timon: Welcome to the nighttime safari boat tour! Hello everyone! My name is Timon! I'll be your skipper today on the Leaky Westbucket! (Nervous Laughing)

(Boat moves)

Oh well, Wave goodbye to your families, Folks! You may never see them again! Of course, if they're like my family, you may prefer that! (Laugh) Just kidding, Ma! Anyways, please keep your arms, legs, tails, and tusks in the boat at all times! Pumbaa, Got your camera ready?

Pumbaa: All ready, Timon!

(A yellow firefly comes up)

Timon: Ooh! A Bobson's Firefly! They're very rare!

(Pumbaa eats the Firefly)

Timon: And now, They're Extinct!

Pumbaa: But delicous! (BURP!)

(Hippos come up on the right)

Timon: Over on your right, I heard of Hippos! Some of these Babies weigh as much as 30 warthogs and boy do they look like it!

(Hippo opens her mouth)

Except for you, Madam.

(Another Hippo opens his mouth)

They look hungry! Maybe we'd better go around them!

Hey guys! Which way? Left or Right?

Pumbaa: Yeah! Pick something! And fast! They're looking at me funny!

Timon: Pumbaa, Everyone looks at you funny!

Pumbaa: Hurry up and decide, would ya! They're twiching their ears!

If you chose Left, You'll get this:

(Rain starts)

Timon: Now as we move further downriver, Notice the sudden changes in weather! Very characteristic to the area!

Pumbaa: Aah! Rain! That feels good! Very refreshing!

Timon (In disgust): (Breaths) I love the smell of wet Pumbaa in the evening! It smells like... YYYOOOOOOOOEEE!

(Thunder crashes in the distance)

(Pumbaa Whines)

Timon: Pumbaa... you're not scared of a little thunder, are ya?

(Thundering Thunderclap with a Lightning bolt strikes the boat, Subwoofer is extremely intense.)


Pumbaa: Uh, skipper, why did you jump out of the boat?

Timon: I was just showing our passengers that the waters are perfectly safe! Hehe! Yeah, that's it!

If you chose Right, you'll get this:

(Boat moves to the right, you see Pride Rock)

Timon: OK! Over on your right, a rock! Pee! Big deal! A rock!

Pumbaa: Timon! Isn't that Pride Rock? The king's home and metaphoric heart and soul of the Savana?

Timon: Uh, Yeah that's what I meant.

Part 2

Pumbaa: Hey, Timon, aren't there snakes in this part of the river?

Timon: Snakes? Snakes don't swim.

Pumbaa: But they can CLIMB!

(Snake attacks)


Timon and Pumbaa: AAAAAAH!

Timon: Quick! Go around it! Go! Go!

Pumbaa: How do you know it's a him?

Timon: There's no way I'm getting close enough to find out!

(Boat stops)

Ok, pal! What do you think? Left or right?

Pumbaa: Pick left! Pick left!

Timon: They can pick whatever they want!

Pumbaa: Yeah! But pick left!

Timon: Why?

Pumbaa: I've got a good feeling about it!

If you chose left (Pumbaa's reccomendation), You'll get this:

(Lion roars in the distance)


Timon: Oh! Great choice, Pumbaa!

Pumbaa: Sorry!

Timon: Sorry Shmorry! We're caught on something! Now what are we gonna do?

Pumbaa: Notice the tranquil harmony of the flowing water as it...

Timon: ...As it flows right by us because we're Jammed, Lodged, Snagged, As in... NOT MOVING! Sheez! Rock the boat! Run back and forth! Throw your weight around, you know, to shift the boat!

Pumbaa: Hmm, OK!

(Pumbaa stomps the boat, the boat finally touches the water.)

If you chose Right, this is what you get:

Pumbaa: Timon, It's hippos again!

Timon: Hakuna matata, Pumbaa! No worries! Unless they wiggle their ears!

(The hippos wiggle their ears!)

Pumbaa: Uh oh!

(The Hippos spray water onto the boat)

Timon: Bleeaah! Oooh! You got the warthog wet again! Thank you!

(Hippos make noise in the distance)

Part 3

The following does not have a left or right choice.

Timon: Now where were we? Oh yes! If you all look straight ahead, you can see the nice, calm, quiet...

(Monkeys make some noise)

Timon: (Gibberish)! (Gibberish)! Get out of here!

Pumbaa: Gat's...

Rafiki (Hand in your face): STOP! ssssssssh!

(Monkeys fly off)

Timon: Show off!

(Engine stalls)

Part 4

Timon: Aah! Finally, a little peace! Completely quiet! Not a sound! Not even the sound of the boat?! Pumbaa? Are we stalled?

Pumbaa: No problem! I got it handled!

(The light turns off, the boat's battery drains)

Timon: Hurry up! These are alligator infested waters!

Pumbaa (factual): Don't be silly, Timon! Alligators live in the humid, mucky swamps of North America. Nope! These tributaries are home to...

(Crocs jump onto the boat)



(Boat races through swerves)

Oy! That was a close one! Oh! I think I'm having chest pains!

Pumbaa: I'm feeling gassy!

Timon: No! Pumbaa! Don't!

(Pumbaa Farts)

Oy! Tell me that's swamp vapors!

Ok, folks! Quickly! Left or right? Pick Right! It looks well ventilated!

Pumbaa: Left looks nice too!

There was a mixing error during the creation of the feature, Here is the corrected version

If you chose Left, This is what you get:

Timon: Well, you may be right, Pumbaa. This does look nice!

Notice the calm, pleasant... Fogbank!

Pumbaa: Hmm, I wonder what that sound is?

Timon: It sounds like... Water!

Louder and louder water!

(You see the edge of a waterfall!)


Timon and Pumbaa:



If you chose Right, This is what you get:

Timon: See? Good choice! Your skipper knows best!

Now, everyone, if you'll notice. We are...

(Rapid spinning)

Going around in circles. Wait! Pumbaa! The other way! You! Don't just sit there! Tell Pumbaa to go the other way! THE OTHER WAY!

Pumbaa: I can't! It's a "Whirlly Whirlly"!






(Back at the beginning of the route)

Timon: Well, everyone, Thanks for joining us! Please exit to the right! Did you enjoy yourselves?

Pumbaa: Well, If I were skipper, I'd make some diffrent choices next time!

Timon: EEEEEE! Ok, everyone, get your thumbs ready to choose your next ride! Ooh, wait, Let's look at our pictures from the tour!

(Depending on the route you took, Your pictures will be diffrent everytime you go on the ride.)



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