What happens to epistemology if nothing is true? How can it be it true that nothing is true? If it is true that nothing is true, then it cannot be true that nothing is true (a.k.a. circular reasoning). Logical argumentation against reality's independent existence may appear well-nigh irrefutable, right up to the point when the brick wall breaks all the teeth out of your mouth. The revisionist crusade to force literality, and with it all possibility of discovering truth, onto the ash heap of history crumbles to powder itself at the dawn of the realization that language, at its base, is not metaphorical, but symbolic.
Articles I have started
E. W. Bullinger, Marginal demand, Cash-basis verses accrual-basis accounting, Gutenberg Bible, Scriptorium
Articles to which I have materially contributed
Heinrich Bullinger, Figures of speech, Conceptual metaphor, Opportunity cost, Metaphor, Symbol, Self-publishing, Manuscript, Christianity, Hugh Glass, Center for Media and Democracy, P.J. O'Rourke, Hunter S. Thompson, George Wallace, Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act, Greek language, King James Version of the Bible, Tax, Ponzi scheme, Social Security debate (United States), Crusade.