The planets:
- Mercury - Greek name Hermes, Roman name Mercurius - also an element
- Venus - Greek name Aphrodite
- Earth - no problems here...
- Mars - Greek name Ares - also a candy bar :-)
- Jupiter - Greek name Zeus, Roman name Iovis, Iupiter - also a city in Florida
- Saturn - Greek name Kronos, Cronos, Chronos (here Cronus), Roman name Saturnus - also an automobile, a gaming console and moon rockets
- Neptune - Greek name Poseidon, Roman name Neptunus - also a city in NJ
- Uranus - Greek Ouranos
- Pluto - Greek name Hades
Note that Hades is also used by the Greek as the name of Hades' realm, the underworld. Also, these gods were not all really the same. The more important Roman gods already existed, but Greek (cultural) influence became so big that the Roman and Greek mythologies became virtually the same.
- Mars
- Phobos - Greek name Phobos, Roman name not known to me
- Deimos - Greek name Deimos, Roman name not known to me
- Jupiter
- Ganymede - Greek name Ganymedes, Roman name Catamitus
- Callisto - Greek name Kallisto, Roman name Callisto
- Europa - Greek name Europa, Roman name not known to me
- Io - Greek name Io, Roman name not known to me
- Amalthea - Greek name Amalthea, Roman name not known to me
- Himalia
- Thebe
- Sinope
- Pasiphae
- Carme
- Ananke
- Elara
- Lysithea
- Leda
- Adrastea
- Metis