Current UTC date and time: 23:00, 4 March 2025 (UTC)
- Important Watchlist (
- Maintain Watchlist (
JesseW's User page
Hello. I'm astonished and impressed with the quality of Wikipedia. I hope to help out, probably as some kind of WikiFaerie ( I'm also involved with various other Wiki's.
I'm a Los Angeles native, currently on leave from Reed College, in Portland, Oregon, USA. Besides working on Wikipedia, I enjoy contra dance, hacking, juggling, and science fiction, as well as various political work. I've also taken aikido from the Venice Japanese Community Center ( and the Oregon Ki Society ( You may find this ( amusing, if you are familar with SF TV shows.
Hm. As of 22:26, 8 Dec 2004 (UTC) 08:49, 25 Dec 2004 (UTC) I have 1929 edits.(via Kate's Tools ( <shrug>. Oh.
Other WikiMedia User pages
Useful links
My subpages
- User:JesseW/ImportantWatchlist
- User:JesseW/Full mirror list
- User:JesseW/Maintain Watchlist
- User:JesseW/BookmarkletsUniversal - A list of all the bookmarklets available on the web(pretty complete as of now).
- User talk:JesseW/Children of Category Japan list
To Do
- Make The_Black_Crook from the source I found.
Interesting ideas
- I found a great book called the Encyclopedia of Fire ISBN 1-57356-302-1 ; I would like to pull a lot of the facts in it and put them into Wikipedia. It has articles on the history of big fires that are facinating.
- I've sent emails to the makers of the DEEP THOUGHT: sightings of 42 page asking if they would release their stuff under GFDL so it could be improved on Wikipedia; I hope to hear back from them. If they say yes, it will be considerable work to import and Wikifiy the pages, and then start work on finding references, cross links, and page numbers. Fun.
- Add a picture of the collapse of the Santa Monicia Freeway in the Northridge Earthquake to the approriate article. 11:05, 8 Nov 2004 (UTC)
- Work on a series of wikipedia pages on various commodities (apples, apparel, computer chips, etc.) listing where they are made, who makes them, how they are made, and who owns aspects of the above (means of production, intellectual property, consumers). 23:16, 1 Jan 2005 (UTC)
Good, interesting pages
- m:James_explains_law - More than you thought there was to know about Copyright law, or Have you read the GFDL lately?
- Wikipedia:The_Wikipedian's Prayer
- m:Wikistress; Just because it's not listed on Wikipedia.
- Wikipedia:Researching with Wikipedia - an excellent page
- 1 E2 m I want to look at this more. JesseW 05:06, 15 Nov 2004 (UTC)
- Image:San_Francisco_Bay_Area_Skyline_Blvd.jpg - A very good image I first found on the Wikipedia Quarto, and which I tracked down here after asking the person who submitted it to meta... JesseW
- meta:MPOV - a good list of symptoms of wikipedia kooks.
WikiOrganizations I support
- Wikipedia:WikiProject Wikipedia Namespace
- Wikipedia:WikiProject Wiki Syntax
- Wikipedia:WikiProject Kindness Campaign
- Wikipedia:WikiProject Fact and Reference Check
My various Wiki software tools
Wiki-link bookmarklet
See Wikipedia:Wiki-Link Game. I've lost. ;-) It skips redlinks and external links.
Note: you need to change "thenum" to set it to another number than 5. Written by me on 10:07, 3 Dec 2004 (UTC)
javascript:void((function () {thenum=5; m=0; z=document.getElementById("bodyContent").getElementsByTagName("A"); for (n=0;n<z.length;n++) {if (/\/wiki\//.test(z[n].href)) {m=m+1}; if (m==thenum) {document.location=z[n].href}}})())
Category Browsing Tools
I've written two python scripts that together let you browse through the Wikipedia catagory system and generate pictures of the network. They can be downloaded here ( Please try them out, and complain if you can't figure out what they do, or if they break. Also, any patches or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. JesseW 11:59, 26 Oct 2004 (UTC)
If you wish to request a graph or textual list of the children and/or parents of a category, please ask on my Talk page. I'm happy to do it; I'll create them, upload them, and add them to this list(and let you know on your talk page. ;-) ) JesseW 02:51, 17 Dec 2004 (UTC)
I have now updated the code. It now makes nicer looking text output and has more documentation. JesseW 23:28, 22 Dec 2004 (UTC)
Forth release. Now the text output uses differnt headings for different depths. JesseW 05:16, 30 Dec 2004 (UTC)
- The parent's of Category:Bristol: Image:Bristol_parents.png
- The children of (to 30 levels deep) Category:Japan: Image:japan_category_graph.png (see also the text version of the information, here.)
Wrote a bookmarklet to hide entries on my watchlist in which I am the last, listed, editor.
Note!! The current version of the script automatically identifies the user name, and the number of days displayed in the watchlist.
I release this script under the revised BSD license.
Sorry I couldn't get it to show up as a link. I'm working on it. JesseW 09:22, 19 Oct 2004 (UTC)
- v2: Automatically identifies your userName
- v3: Automatically identifies the number of days set to display in your watchlist. This should also fix the bugs where it erases other bits of screen. Please let me know.
The code
(You may need to copy the wikitext, not this text. Sorry.)
javascript:void((function () {userName=document.getElementById%28%22contentSub%22%29.innerHTML.match%28/%22%28.%2B%29%22/%29%5B1%5D; q=document.getElementsByTagName(%22ul%22); for (n=0;n<q.length;n++) {if (q[n].getAttribute(%22class%22)==%22special%22) {r=%22%22; z=q[n].childNodes; for (x=0;x<z.length;x=x+2) {LI=z[x].childNodes; if (LI[LI.length-4].innerHTML != userName && LI[LI.length-5].innerHTML != userName) {r=r+%22<li>%22+z[x].innerHTML+%22</li>\n%22}}; q[n].innerHTML=r}}})())
User:Angela says that on Firefox 0.9.3 it erases the navigation bar rather than the watchlist entries. User:Angela says that on Wikia: it erases the sidebar rather than the watchlist entries.
- I suspect both of these are because the bookmark edits all the <ul> lists in the document, and on Firefox or Wikia: it is picking up such lists in the wrong place. I will test it on these places and see if the bug shows up for me. If you also see the bug, or have any information about it, please add your comments on the Talk page, and I'll update this list. JesseW 03:53, 24 Oct 2004 (UTC)
I also use firefox but my copy erases both the bar and the watchlist entries...nice program though. [[User:BrokenSegue|BrokenSegue]] 23:51, 6 Nov 2004 (UTC)
- I think both of these bugs should be fixed now. I'm identifying "ul" lists to change by their class="special" attribute now. Please let me know if this is fixed. JesseW 10:33, 8 Nov 2004 (UTC)
Emacs defun
(defun wiktionary-get-page (title) (interactive "M") "" (progn (switch-to-buffer (get-buffer-create title)) (erase-buffer) (insert (shell-command-to-string (format "wget -q -O - \"%s?title=%s&action=edit\"" "" title))) (goto-char (point-min)) (search-forward "<textarea") (search-forward ">") (delete-region (point-min) (point)) (search-forward "</textarea>") (setq pos (- (point) 11)) (search-forward "wpEdittime") (setq et (buffer-substring (- (point) 18) (- (point) 32))) (message "Edittime is: %s" et) (delete-region pos (point-max)) (wikipedia-mode) (defvar wikipedia-edittime nil "*") (set (make-local-variable 'wikipedia-edittime) et)))
Warning! Do not use this unless you know it's not broken in some subtle way. It is only a first draft and probably is broken or does something bad, or at best, fails to work. So be careful. And send me improvements. JesseW 05:16, 23 Oct 2004 (UTC)
(defun wiktionary-submit-page (title content summary edittime &optional username password minor watch section) "" (http-post (concat "" (http-url-encode title 'iso-8859-1) "&action=submit") `(("wpTextbox1" . content) ("wpSummary". summary) ("wpSave". "Save page") ("wpSection" ."") ("wpEdittime" . edittime)) 'iso-8859-1))
WikiMedal for Janitorial Services
Creative Commons License
Missing articles project template
Template:Project missing articles
Notes on thing's I've already done
(Things on here may be removed whenever I feel like it. The'll be available from history...)
- Cleaned about 25 items off the Category:Wikipedia articles needing their fiction made clear list. It's empty now. Hah. JesseW 08:05, 21 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Make Billet from the source I found. - Finally done. Just a tiny job... JesseW 07:14, 21 Mar 2005 (UTC)
- Mathias Maul, the author of the Ultra-Complete Index of HHGttG, has put it under GFDL. I've added it; now the Wikification can begin. (Moved to done on 23:16, 1 Jan 2005 (UTC))
- Organized the various lists of sources for articles, and made a template listing the actual pages with content. The template is Template:Article_resources. Good stuff. JesseW 11:03, 18 Oct 2004 (UTC)
Changed my "nickname" so it references a staus template, which I can use to post messages on every page I sign. Unless I developer contacts me and says I'm personally causing major slowdown of the entire wikipedia, I'll keep it. JesseW User:JesseW/status 13:43, 18 Nov 2004 (UTC)
- Removed, as I just read a thread on the VP saying it was a terrible idea. ;-) JesseW 14:03, 18 Nov 2004 (UTC)