
Jess LaFleur is a Canadian living in Ontario.



In his spare time, he tries to work on his website, Pikachu's Pokéchow (

One of the highlights of his collection is an Atari Tempest arcade machine that was modified to play Street Fighter II which he bought from a Drive In for a mere 300 dollars.

Although his IQ is a relatively high 133, LaFleur can commonly be found acting like a common fool (eg, odd comedy bits and strange voices) but anyone who even somewhat knows him comes to understand that he does indeed have many skills and talents of which he enjoys sharing with other good people.

On Tuesdays he plays Reach for the Top a highschool quiz game played in Canada

Likes and Dislikes

Political Favour: New Democratic Party
That means I am a Democratic Socialist.
I am also a member of that party

  • Dislikes

He laments that he is unable to entirely switch over to GNU/Linux due to his dependancy on using the WYSIWYG HTML editor Dreamweaver, and animation/programming environment, FlashMX both by Macromedia.

Update: Yay, I've just heard that Macromedia plans to get it running in WINE properly and then possibly (although doubtfully) port it to linux! thats one step closer for my smooth transition to opensource...

Wikipedia History

I enjoy editing the Pokémon page.

I enjoy reading the sections on socialist states especially the former Soviet Union

I have been accused of a single count of pranksterism here. I have no further statement towards that.


Things I am also taking credit for while not logged in

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  • edits by:
  • edits by: -- 11:32, 3 Apr 2004 (UTC)
  • edits by: -- 20:36, 13 Apr 2004 (UTC)

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