User:James Crippen
Lingít áyá xat. Lingít x'éinax Ts'éiyoosh yóo xat duwasáakw. Deisheetaan naax xat sitee. Kakak'w Hít dax áyá. Ax daakanóox'w Kaachxana.áak'wx' yéi kuwdzitee. Du tláa Lawáakx' yéi kuwdzitee. Du daakanóox'w Angóonx' yéi kuwdzitee. Dléit Kaa yádix xat sitee. Shtax'héen Kwáan xat áyá. Léinaanx' yéi kuwdzitee. Léinaanx' yéi tsú xat yatee.
I'm a student of computer science and linguistics. I am Tlingit and study the Tlingit language, with intent to work in revitalization of the language. I also have studied Russian and Dutch to some extent, and am currently learning Japanese, all of which I suppose makes me a polyglot. I'm fascinated by linguistics, particularly syntax, and specifically HPSG. I'm also a devoted Lisp hacker, although I haven't produced much software for public use. I've apprenticed a little bit in Tlingit woodcarving and design, and am working on developing my artistic skills in two-dimensional and three-dimensional design.
I am currently pursuing a BS in Computer Science, and will continue my education with a MA and PhD in Linguistics at the University of Hawai`i Mānoa. My studies will be in computational linguistics, Japanese syntax, Tlingit syntax, and endangered language revitalization.
I'm also a devoted Wikipedia fan, and an occasionally professional technical writer and editor, so I've lately become interested in making more extensive contributions to Wikipedia both in new content and in occasional editing. In fact, I make minor edits on perhaps one out of every five articles that I read on Wikipedia. So look out because your bad spelling and punctuation are next on my list!