My real name is Joseph Edwards Van Riper III, although most people call me Trey. Such a long name sounds far too snooty, and wastes too much time to utter.
I spent four years towards a major in music, with an emphasis on composition. To be fair, I finished all my course-work and half my final project before I ran out of time and started working. I never completed the degree. Dunno if it's worth pursuing, frankly.
I actively work as a computer programmer.
My web page may be perused at if someone feels bored enough to view it, but I'd be moderately surprised.
My e-mail address may be acquire by going to the aforementioned URL, although I'm spotty about checking my e-mail lately.
I'm probably most likely to help out with the music stuff here than anything else.
- Dear Fleeb. Are you interested in writing an Article about Charles van Riper, an US-Psychist, who has worked manything about stuttering? -- KlausHeinisch (