I really appreciate what Wiki has done. It's a wonderful approach to keep information up to date and in the hands of the modernists. It prevent knowledge stagnation while encouraging personal responsibility for sharing perspectives. It's a great tool and I plan on continuing to support it.
Duemellon's Dictionary
Sometimes I write in shorthand or refer to words I've completely fabricated. Hopefully I'll remember to include them here with the expectation that they will be so clear and usefull that they will catch one with the rest of humanity as useful concepts in the evolving language (don't worry, I'm really just being silly hoping it will catch on)
Alony (ah-lonn-EE) n.: An egregiously flawed analogy ex.: Your hair is so greasy it's like a stack of paper.
&/r (and/or) conj.: Either element is included, or both may be included (in a binary situation); Any combination elements preceding may be included in what is being referred to
Vox (Voice/Voices or Vocal/Vocals)
Mux (Music/Musician)