User:Diberri/Peptide hormone nomenclature

In 1975, the IUPAC-IUB provided some nomenclature recommendations for peptide hormones. Though not all in widespread use, they do crop up every so often, and so it's worth mentioning alternate names where appropriate.

General guidelines

In brief, the general guidelines are:

  1. new names for hormones of the adenohypophysis bear the ending "-tropin";
  2. hypothalamic releasing factors (hormones) bear the ending "-liberin";
  3. hypothalamic release-inhibiting factors (hormones) bear the ending "-statin"

Peptide hormone trivial names

Below is a necessarily exclusive list of peptide hormones and their trivial names.

Trivial name Other names Current abbreviationb
1. Hypothalamic Factors
Corticoliberin Corticotropin-releasing factor CRF
Folliberin Follicle-stimulating-hormone-releasing factor FSH-RF
Gonadoliberinc Gonadotropin-releasing factor (LH/FSH-RF)
Luliberin Luteinizing hormone-releasing factor LH-RF (LRF)
Melanoliberin Melanotropin-releasing factor MFR
Melanostatin Melanotropin release-inhibiting factor MIF
Prolactoliberin Prolactin-releasing factor PRF
Prolactostatin Prolactin release-inhibiting factor PIF
Somatoliberin Somatotropin-releasing factor;
growth hormone-releasing factor
Somatostatin Somatotropin release-inhibiting factor
Thyroliberin Thyrotropin-releasing factor TRF
2. Pituitary and Related Hormones
Choriogonadotropind Chorionic gonadotropin CG
Choriomammotropin Chorionic somatomammotropin CS
Corticotropin Adrenocorticotropic hormone ACTH
Follitropin Follicle-stimulating hormone FSH
Gonadotropine Gonadotropin hormone
Glumitocinf [Ser4,Gln8]Ocytocinj
Isotocing [Ser4,Ile8]Ocytocinj
Lipotropin Lipotropic hormone LPH
Lutropin Luteinizing hormone;
(Interstitial cell-stimulating hormone)
Melanotropinh Melanocyte-stimulating hormone MSH
Mesotocini [Ile8]Ocytocinj
Ocytocinj (Oxytocin) OXT
Prolactin Mammatropic hormone; mammatropin;
lactotropic hormone; lactotropin
Somatotropin Somatropic hormone;
growth hormone
Thyrotropin Thyrotropic hormone TSH
Urogonadotropink (Human) Menopausal gonadotropin HMG
Vasopressin Adiuretin; antidiuretic hormone VP, ADH
Vasotocin [Arg8]Ocytocinj
3. Other Peptide Hormones
Angiotensin Angiotensin II
Bradykinin Kinin-9
Calcitonin Thyrocalcitonin
Gastrin sulphate Gastrin II
Glucagon Hyperglycemic factor (HGF)
Kallidin Kinin-10
Pancreozymin Cholecystokinin
Parathyrinl Parathyroid hormone; Parathormone
Proangiotensin Angiotensin I
Somatomedinm Sulfation factor
Thymopoietinn Thymin

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