Srinivasan Ramakrishnan (Cheeni)
I am from Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. I am a graduate student in Information Systems at Carnegie Mellon University. My interests are primarily playing with computers, with strong leanings towards Internet technologies. My favourite language would be PHP, although Python and Ruby interest me a lot. By now you should know that I am partial to scripting languages (all the fun, none of the pain), but as regards compiled languages, I enjoy programming in C, while I consider Pascal very elegant.
My interests in the web arena specifically include content management, scaling of websites to meet large scale requirements. I am constantly on the lookout for elegant ways of presenting data from a data source such as from a database combined with presentation rules stored separately. For example FOP ( or Cocoon (
Information security / assurance and data privacy are interests I have picked up here at CMU; I have worked with Foundstone networks ( and Prof. Latanya Sweeney ( in these areas respectively. Telecommunication policy and enterprise telecom management are other areas of cultivated expertise.
I respect the OSS / FSF movement a lot, and try to use such software whenever I can. My involvement ( with the movement / community has given me great friends, an idelogy and not to mention terrific software.
I'm vegetarian, with a desire to turn vegan some day. I speak Tamil at home. I am a Hindu, although I would label myself agnostic.
People of interest:
(Wikipedians)- Pichai Asokan - Mentor, friend, hacker, ILUGCite (
- Venugopal Maddukuri - Mentor, friend, hacker, ILUGCite (
- Arun Krishnaswamy - friend, hacker, ILUGCite (
Errors and corrections:
Feel free to drop me a note (