
Let's see. I'm somewhat against the ideas of the following people and things, it should be noted that this is all opinion and not intending any offense to anyone:

  • Chen Shui-bian, president of Taiwan, also known as Lao Nia-mer
  • Harry Potter, all the damn books and movies and the craziness.
  • George W. Bush, president of The United States, corrupt guy, oil nut, Florida was rigged etc.
  • Donald Rumsfeld, administered inhumane torture, might start WWIII, be careful of the guy -- really dangerous.
  • David Beckham, soccer star, changes hairstyle every week. Overrated, transfer fee too high. Doesn't deserve that much attention.
  • Yahoo! search engine, can't find anything.
  • Annette Lu, vice-president of Taiwan, more of a dumass than Chen, doesn't know how to use any words properly, embarrassment.
  • Kim Jung-Il, corrupt bastard, wants to hold on tight to power, develops Nuclear weapons while his people suffer and can't eat.
  • Corel Computer products -- basically ripped off of Microsoft.
  • Microsoft -- too much monopolizing.

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