United States physiographic region
There are eight distinct U. S. physiographic regions within the continental United States. Each is composed of smaller physiographic subdivisions.
Missing image US_physiographic_regions_map.jpg Continental U.S physiographic regions (image courtesy of the USGS). |
These eight regions are:
- Laurentian Highlands (area labeled 1)
- Atlantic Plain (2 and 3)
- Appalachian Highlands (4-10)
- Interior Plains (11-13)
- Interior Highlands (14 and 15)
- Rocky Mountain System (16-19)
- Intermontane Plateaus (20-22)
- Pacific Mountain System (23-25)
See Physical geography of the U.S. for descriptions.
Laurentian HighlandsAtlantic Plain2. Continental Shelf (not on map) 3. Coastal Plain
Appalachian Highlands4. Piedmont province
5. Blue Ridge province
6. Valley and Ridge province
8. Appalachian Plateaus province
9. New England Province
10. Adirondack province Interior Plains
12. Central Lowland
13. Great Plains province
Interior Highlands14. Ozark Plateaus
15. Ouachita province
Rocky Mountain System16. Southern Rocky Mountains 17. Wyoming Basin 18. Middle Rocky Mountains 19. Northern Rocky Mountains Intermontane Plateaus20. Columbia Plateau
22. Basin and Range province
Pacific Mountain System23. Cascade-Sierra Mountains
24. Pacific Border province
25. Lower California province |