Uakti is a mythical musician described by the Tukano Indians of South America. He had holes through his body which produced sound when he ran or the wind blew. These seduced women and so the other men burned his body, out of which grew palm trees from which flutes are made. Women are thus not allowed to play flutes.
Uakti is a Brazilian percussion quartet: musical director Marco Antônio Guimarães, Paulo Sérgio dos Santos, Artur Andrés Ribeiro, and Décio de Souza Ramos. Their name comes from the Tukano myth above.
Formed in 1978, they were discovered by Milton Nascimento. Their first album, produced by Nascimento, was self-titled and released in 1987. They have also worked with composer Philip Glass on 1999's "Águas da Amazonia", and Matthias Ziegler.