Two Guys from Andromeda

"Two Guys from Andromeda" is an alias for the designers of the Space Quest series, a popular series of adventure games published by Sierra On-Line. The two guys consisted of Mark Crowe, who created most of the music and visual art in the early games, and Scott Murphy, who was the bearded programmer.
The first four games in the series were designed by both Crowe and Murphy. After Space Quest IV, the team split up, and Space Quest V was designed solely by Mark Crowe. Space Quest VI was designed by Josh Mandel, although later work on the project was done by Scott Murphy, making Mandel the "third guy from Andromeda".
There were also rumours of a self-proclaimed "Gal from Andromeda", Leslie Balfour (a.k.a. Apollonia Jones), who was the co-designer with Scott Murphy on the cancelled Space Quest VII project at Sierra.
In Space Quest III, the "Two Guys from Andromeda" enter the Space Quest universe as internal game characters. They appear as unwilling employees of a game company where they created the games Astro Chicken and its sequel Ms. Astro Chicken. They are forced to work at ScumSoft by the Pirates of Pestulon until Roger Wilco rescues them. Roger brings them to Earth where Ken Williams hires them to work at Sierra, creating the Space Quest series.
When appearing as the "Two Guys", Crowe and Murphy wore mohawk wigs, sunglasses and animal-like snouts (which were presumably Andromedan attributes). The game package for Space Quest III included a cardboard Andromedan snout. Neither Crowe nor Murphy appeared in the Andromedan disguise in the last two games' packaging; it may be that they no longer considered themselves "guys from Andromeda" since the team had disbanded.