Tsuzuki-ku, Yokohama
Tsuzuki (都筑区; -ku) is a ward of Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan.
As of 2003, 171,429 people lived in Tsuzuki-ku. Tsuzuki-ku is 27.88 km² in area. Its average age of 36.0 makes this the youngest ward in Yokohama.
Tsuzuki-ku is also the newest ward in the Yokohama. The 1994 merger of parts of Midori-ku and Aoba-ku formed Tsuzuki-ku.
The tree of Tsuzuki-ku is crape myrtle and lots of crape myrtle grow in the ward. The Yokohama Historical Museum in Tsuzuki-ku was built in January 1995. A big hospital was built in 2003, and this hospital is one of the biggest in Tsuzuki-ku.
Transportation of Tsuzuki-ku
The Yokohama Subway is the only rail line serving commuters in Tsuzuki-ku. Nakagawa, Center-kita, Center-minami, and Nakamachidai are the four stations in the ward. Some areas are far from any station, so residents of Tsuzuki-ku rely heavily on bus transportation.
The new Line 4 of the Yokohama Subway, currently under construction (and scheduled for completion in 2007), will pass through Tsuzuki-ku.
Changing of Tsuzuki-ku
Tsuzuki-ku is developing since it was built. Kouhoku New Town is in Tsuzuki-ku. The government planned to make a new town in this area about 30 years ago, and many people are moving to this town.
The ward offices of Tsuzuki-ku are located near Center-minami Station. The capital part of Tsuzuki-ku is the place between Center-kita and Center-minami. Center here means the capital part of Tsuzuki-ku. Also this new town was planned to have lots of parks with an abundance of plants and nature.
There are three big shopping centers in Tsuzuki-ku. Mosaic Mall and Iti are near Center-kita Station. Iti has a place to enjoy bowling. The third one is Tokyu-S.C., located near Center-minami Station. Its movie theater is the only one in Tsuzuki-ku.
The government is now planning to make a new city called Tantatown in Kouhoku New Town and it is now broadcasting commercial messages announcing it.