
A trotter is a standardbred horse which races in a gait called the trot. For a description of this gait consult the article about harness racing.

Trotters are the feet of pigs used as offal.

In most cases the trotters are boiled for long periods so that the bones soften enough to be eaten along with the skin and meat.

In the earliest unpublished versions of J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings (see: The History of The Lord of the Rings), the character that later became Aragorn was called Trotter instead of Strider and was a hobbit instead of man.

de:Traber et:Travel ---

Trotters Trotters-London Duelists from London who are incredibally arrogent and a bunch of rich duelists. As quoted from someone, They'd rather boil in oil than hang about with them.


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