Transmission level point
In a telecommunications system, a transmission level point (TLP) is a test point, i.e., a point where a signal may be inserted or measured, and for which the nominal power of a test signal is specified.
In practice, the abbreviation TLP is usually used, and it is modified by the nominal level for the point in question. For example, where the nominal level is 0 dBm, the expression 0 dBm TLP, or simply, 0TLP, is used. Where the nominal level is -16 dBm, the expression -16 dBm TLP, or -16TLP, is used.
The nominal transmission level at a specified TLP is a function of system design and is an expression of the design gain or loss.
Voice-channel transmission levels, i.e TLPs, are usually specified for a frequency of approximately 1000 Hz.
The TLP at a point at which an end instrument, e.g. a telephone set, is connected is usually specified as 0 dBm.
Source: From Federal Standard 1037C and from MIL-STD-188