This article doesn't deal with the tomatillo fruit.
Tomatito ("little tomato")'s real name is José Fernández Torres (b. 1958). He is a Flamenco guitarist from Almería. Tomatito has produced solo albums and was accompanist for Camarón de la Isla .
Tomatito has five daughters, nicknamed "Las Tomatillas" (the little tomatos) and schould not be confused with Las Ketchup, the daughters of Juan Muñoz, who scored a mayor Europop fusion hit with the The Ketchup Song.
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Partial Discography
Aguadulce - 2004
Paseo de los casta ños - 2001
Spain (with Michel Camilo) - 2000
Guitarra Gitana - 1997
Barrio Negro - 1991
Rosas del Amor - 1987
External links - Official site.