A tiefling is a creature in the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game. Tieflings are "planetouched"; that is, they are mortal creatures that have in their blood some otherworldly characteristics. Tieflings are descended from demons, devils and other creatures of pure evil alignment (including Evil deities); although their evil ancestor may be many generations removed, the taint still lingers. They are predisposed to Evil alignments though by no means are they always Evil.
The good-alignment-derived counterparts to tieflings are called aasimar. In the Forgotten Realms campaign setting both tieflings and aasimar are more common, and tieflings even have an elven counterpart—fey'ri.
In the Planescape campaign setting, tieflings are a common race available to player characters, though they are mistrusted and reviled by almost all other creatures across the planes.