The Snorks
The Snorks was a Hanna-Barbera cartoon series produced in 1984 featuring snorks, a race of small, colorful, fictional beings that live in the underwater world of Snorkland. The cartoon had limited success.
The Snorks have snorkels on their heads, which are used to propel them swiftly through the water. When a Snork becomes excited his tube makes a "snork" sound. Like The Flintstones or The Smurfs, they have much of the same technology as humans, adapted to their own (aquatic) environment.
The main characters of this cartoon are Allstar Seaworthy and his pretty red-headed girlfriend, Casey Kelp, who has two long red pony tails which stick out from the sides of her head. Other characters include Daphney and Tooter, who speaks only in "toots".
Every episode features a unique villain.
The Snorks were created by Belgian Freddy Monnickendam, originally for the comic book of the same name, which was published in 1974. The comic was later adapted by Hanna-Barbera to the cartoon form, which premiered on NBC.
Some facts
- Many people have said the Snorks were based on the Smurfs. Although both originated in the same geographical area, this is not certainly true.
- Casey appears the same in the comic book as in the cartoon, except for the green ribbons which were added by Hanna-Barbera. Allstar wears a different set of clothes. Other characters also appeared first in the cartoon.
External links
- 80's Child's Snorks page (