The Seven Sisters (Forgotten Realms)
- For other sets of seven sisters see Seven Sisters (disambiguation)
The Seven Sisters - fictional characters of the Forgotten Realms Dungeons & Dragons campaign setting, and creations of Ed Greenwood - are seven immortal human women, all Chosen and daughters of the goddess Mystra.
All spellcasters born to the ranger Dornal Silverhand (and his wife Elué, whom Mystra possessed to give birth to the children) - in birth order, they are:
- Syluné, the kindly Witch of Shadowdale, who was slain but remains in Faerûn as a ghostly spectral harpist.
- Alustriel Silverhand, the regal but unashamed Lady of Silverymoon, founder of the nation of the Silver Marches.
- Dove Falconhand, whose magic is second to her skill at arms, for she is a ranger and a renown Knight of Myth Drannor married to another Knight - Florin Falconhand.
- Storm Silverhand, a famous and much-loved Harper, sorceress and Bard of Shadowdale, who, despite sometimes appearing flighty, has taken it upon herself to protect and care for the people of her home dale to the best of her abilities.
- Laeral Silverhand Arunsun, the radiant and good-hearted Lady of Waterdeep, who married the great wizard Khelben "Blackstaff" Arunsun and with him leads the secretive organisation known as the Moonstars - who were once Harpers.
- The Simbul (Alassra Silverhand is her birth name, but few know it and fewer use it) is the Witch Queen of the eastern kingdom of Aglarond, current lover of Elminster and the most powerful sorceress in all Faerûn - her kingdom exists intact only because of the might she could bring against the nefarious Red Wizards of Thay, and their zulkirs.
- Qilué Veladorn, the youngest daughter is not widely known like her sisters - when she is whispered of she is called "The Dark Disaster" - and that is probably a good thing for she is a drow elf (born to Mystra in exceptionally odd circumstances), but is also a fair and mighty priestess of both Mystra and the good drow goddess Eilistraee.
Further information on the Sisters can be found in the Forgotten Realms Second Edition AD&D accessory books The Seven Sisters and Heroes' Lorebook, and the novels Stormlight (featuring Storm) and Silverfall: Stories of the Seven Sisters (featuring them all), both by Ed Greenwood. Qilué also features in Elaine Cunningham's Starlight and Shadows books Daughter of the Drow and Windwalker; the Simbul in Greenwood's Elminster in Hell and The Simbul's Gift by Lynn Abbey; Laeral, Dove, Storm and Alustriel in Troy Denning's Return of the Archwizards trilogy - The Summoning, The Siege, and the Sorcerer; and various sisters in Elminster's Daughter.