The Patriotic Song
The Patriotic Song (Патриотическая Песня; Patrioticheskaya Pesnya) was the national anthem of Russia from 1991 to 2000. It was an instrumental piece without lyrics. It was written by Mikhail Glinka as the last part of his Opera "Life for the Tsar". The instrumental song can be found here (
A winner of a competition was to put words on the 1991 anthem music. The same instrunmental version with lyrics is here ( The competition ended in November 1999. This anthem never became official, because on December 31, 1999 President Boris Yeltsin resigned, passing the power to Vladimir Putin who later preferred the old Soviet music to Yeltsin's displeasure.
Be glorious, be glorious, native land- Russia!
You passed through the centuries and the thunderstorms
And shines the sun above you I fate your it is bright.
Above the ancient Moscow Kremlin is twisted the banner with the two-headed eagle they sound the sacred words:
Be glorious, Russia - fatherland!
In Cyrillic
Славься, славься, родина-Россия!
Сквозь века и грозы ты прошла
И сияет солнце над тобою
И судьба твоя светла.
Над старинным московским Кремлем
Вьется знамя с двуглавым орлом
И звучат священные слова:
Славься, Русь - Отчизна моя!
Slavsya, Slavsya, rodina Rossiya!
Skvoz vyeka i grozi ti proshla!
I siyayet solntsye nad toboi
I sudba tvoya svetla!
Nad starinnim moskovskim Kremlem
Vetsya znamya s dvuglavim orlom
I zvutchat svyashyenniye slova:
Slavsya, Rus - Otchizna moya!
de:Patriotisches Lied