The Passionate Pilgrim
The Passionate Pilgrim is a collection of poems, first published in 1599, attributed on the title-page to William Shakespeare.
Only five of the twenty poems can be identified as Shakespeare's, these are two sonnets (138 and 144 of Shakespeare's sonnets) and three passages from Love's Labour's Lost. Several others can be identified as the work of other writers, one of these is Christopher Marlowe's The Passionate Shepherd to His Love with part of Walter Raleigh's "reply"; the rest are of uncertain authorship.
The Passionate Pilgrim was published by William Jaggard, later the publisher of Shakespeare's First Folio. An expanded edition of 1612 added poems by Thomas Heywood, whose protestations prompted Jaggard to withdraw the attribution to Shakespeare.
See also: Shakespeare Apocrypha, Shakespearean authorship
A Passionate Pilgrim is the title of a work by Henry James.
External links
- The Passionate Pilgrim ( at Project Gutenberg (omits poems identifiably by others)