The Night Flier
"The Night Flier" is a horror story by Stephen King, published as part of the Nightmares and Dreamscapes collection. It follows the exploits of a reporter for a fictional tabloid magazine The Inside View who is hunting the Night Flier, a mysterious murderer who travels by a small Cessna airplane murdering people in a manner suggestive of him pretending to be a vampire. When he finally overtakes the Night Flier, he comes to realize that doing so was not a good idea.
The Inside View tabloid, for which the main character works, is a sensationalist publication pushing blood, gore, and mystery stories about alien abductions and the like. It is said that these stories are mostly totally bogus and made up, although the main character's pursuit of the Night Flier is definitely a step towards doing away with this habit. In describing the tabloid's stated market position of supplying thrilling blood and gore stories to the audience of the aging baby-boomers, Stephen King seems to self-consciously sarcastically comment on his own business of a horror writer.