The New American Poetry 1945-1960
The New American Poetry 1945-1960 was a poetry anthology edited by Donald Allen, and published in 1960. It aimed to pick out the 'third generation' of American modernist poets, and included quite a number of poems fresh from the little magazines of the late 1950s. In the longer term it attained a classic status, with critical approval and continuing sales. It was reprinted in 1999.
Poets in The New American Poetry 1945-1960
Helen Adam - John Ashbery - Paul Blackburn - Robin Blaser - Ebbe Borregaard - Bruce Boyd - Ray Bremser - Brother Antoninus - James Broughton - Paul Carroll - Gregory Corso - Robert Creeley - Edward Dorn - Kirby Doyle - Robert Duerden - Robert Duncan - Larry Eigner - Lawrence Ferlinghetti - Edward Field - Allen Ginsberg - Madeline Gleason - Barbara Guest - LeRoi Jones - Jack Kerouac - Kenneth Koch - Philip Lamantia - Denise Levertov - Ron Loewinsohn - Edward Marshall - Michael McClure - David Meltzer - Frank O'Hara - Charles Olsen - Joel Oppenheimer - Peter Orlovsky - Stuart Perkoff - James Schuyler - Gary Snyder - Gilbert Sorrentino - Jack Spicer - Lew Welch - Philip Whalen - John Wieners - Jonathan Williams