The Forgotten (ENT episode)
"The Forgotten" is the title of an episode from the third season of the television series Star Trek: Enterprise. It was the seventy-second episode of the series, and it first aired on 28 April, 2004. By some accounts, it was also the 700th television episode of Star Trek to be broadcast, if ones includes the animated series (if one doesn't, the 700th live action episode is part one of "In a Mirror, Darkly").
Plot summary
Missing image
Degra visits the Earth ship.
The following are a number of key events that occur during the episode.
- Archer invites Degra on board Enterprise in an attempt to gain his trust. Trip undermines the captain's credibility when he repeatedly reviles Degra for the suffering his species caused when it attacked Earth in April, 2153, and consequentially killed Trip's sister.
- A dangerous plasma fire erupts unnoticed on Enterprise's hull. Initially, the blaze is small, but it eventually grows into a spectacular, tall, green column of flame. The fire expands progressively until Trip and Reed don space suits, venture onto the hull, and extinguish it. During this procedure, Hoshi informs Archer that Reed's proximity to the fire had caused the interior temperature of his suit to reach a dangerous forty-four degrees Celsius. To avoid heat exhaustion, Archer repeatedly orders Reed to return to the interior of Enterprise, but Reed disobeys until his task is complete. He successfully extinguishes the fire with Trip, but becomes unconscious. When he returns to Enterprise, an emergency medical team led by Phlox gives him immediate attention.
- T'Pol enters sickbay and holds a dialogue with Phlox about the consequences of her Trellium addition that was introduced in the previous episode. She is troubled when Phlox tells her the addiction had likely caused permanent damage to her ability to control emotions. "You used Trellium for three months", he says. "You may have to learn to live with your emotions." This prognosis is more pessimistic than the one Phlox offered in "Damage".
- Archer orders Trip to write a letter to the parents of a female member of his engineering team who died in one of Enterprise's recent battles. A fair number of scenes are dedicated to Trip’s struggle to write the letter. At one point, Trip experiences a dream/hallucination in which he has a conversation with the dead crewmember. (The fact this crewmember is young and female has led some to speculate that she might have been representative of Crewman Elizabeth Cutler, a popular recurring character from the first season who was played by Kellie Waymire, who died a few months before this episode was produced.)
- Episode information from STARTREK.COM (
- Star Trek: Enterprise episode 072: "The Forgotten"