The Client (1994) is a legal thriller written by American author John Grisham, set in Memphis, Tennessee. It reflects the negative influence of TV and media over young children, mixed with various legal elements and suspense.
The 1994 film based on the novel was directed by Joel Schumacher and starred Susan Sarandon, Tommy Lee Jones and Brad Renfro.
Preceded by: The Pelican Brief
| John Grisham Novels 1994
| Succeeded by: The Chamber
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The protagonist, Mark Sway, an eleven-year-old, and his younger brother, watch a lawyer commit suicide. From the lawyer, who talks whilst drunk, Mark acquires valuable information that is urgently wanted by the FBI. Knowing that if he talks, he'll be hunted down and almost certainly killed by the Mafia, and whilst being questioned by the FBI, he hires an attorney, Reggie Love. She fights for hs right not to answer questions in court, but is unable to stop him being jailed for contempt. He contrives to escape from jail and, with his lawyer, leads the FBI to the dead body they are seeking. In return, he agrees to enter the Witness Protection Program, together with his brother and their Mother. They are relocated to a new and secret address with false identities.
de:Der Klient