The Bachelorette
The Bachelorette is a reality television dating game show that debuted in 2003 on ABC, which took the runner-up date from the first season of The Bachelor (Trista Rehn), and let her choose a husband. The 2004 season of The Bachelorette again took the runner-up from the previous season of The Bachelor.
The Seasons
- Season 1: Trista Rehn selected Ryan Sutter and the two were married in 2004 in one of the most widely-viewed episodes in the history of reality television.
- Season 2: Meredith Phillips, rejected by Bob Guiney, Season four's Bachelor, chose Ian McKee, but the two broke-up in February 2005.
- Season 3: Jen Schefft, selected and subsequently broken up with Andrew Firestone in Season three's Bachelor, chose none of the Bachelors in a live final ceremony.