The Tertangala is the magazine of the University of Wollongong Student Union.
The Tertangala is comprised of student submissions, as well as contributions from regular staff. The magazine features student artwork, opinion, film and music reviews, as well as interviews with several different personalities. Colloquially referred to as "The Tert" by students, it is published monthly.
Submitted political opinion pieces, usually on monthly themes, make up the bulk the publication. Editorial opinion in the Tertangala has consistantly expressed Left-wing view points on a number of issues.
In 2004 the Tertangala's credibilty amongst students was severely damaged through the actions of the then publisher/UOW SRC President who allegedly banned coverage of his impeachment (a process which lead to his ouster).
External links
- Back issues of the magazine (http://src.uow.edu.au/tert/index.php)
- At a stroke: how censorship renders student media pointless (http://www.thedailygrind.net/work/features/content.php?id=522_0_12_0_M)