Tamar (Bible)
In the Bible Tamar - תָּמָר "Palm tree", Standard Hebrew 'Tamar, Tiberian Hebrew Tāmār was the daughter-in-law of Judah, to whose eldest son, Er, she was married (Gen. 38:6). After her husband's death, she was married to Onan, his brother (8), and on his death, Judah promised to her that his third son, Shelah, would become her husband. This promise was not fulfilled, and Tamar disguised herself as a temple prostitute and offering herself to her father-in-law Judah. She claimed his staff and signet as pledge of payment. When she later became pregnant and Judah accused her of fornication, she produced the staff and signet and identified Judah himself as the father. She is one of only five women mentioned in the genealogy of Jesus in Matthew appearing in 1:3. The Unification Church regards Tamar as a biblical heroine for continuing the lineage of the Messiah at the risk of her life.
Other Tamars in the Bible include:
- A daughter of David (2 Sam. 13:1-32; 1 Chr. 3:9), and thus a descendant of #1. Her brother Amnon shamefully forced her to have sexual intercourse and afterwards hated her exceedingly.
- A daughter of Absalom (2 Sam. 14:27), niece of #2 and a descendant of #1. Mother of Maachah, who became Rehoboam's wife.
- A place mentioned by Ezekiel (47:19; 48:28), on the southeastern border of Palestine. Some suppose this was Tadmor.