The same people that let me copy Derbent let me copy this. In fact, they let me copy anything I want from this whole website -User:Dagestan
Oy, don't shout. And I'm also wondering who will want to come to this page looking for Tattoos. RickK | Talk 04:28, 19 Mar 2004 (UTC)
I have the people's permission! This is ridiculous! -User:Dagestan
If you do have permission, you need to provide some sort of verification of that (post a copy of their permission letter here, and clearly cite the original source in the edit summary and/or article. -- Seth Ilys 04:33, 19 Mar 2004 (UTC)
I deleted the email. I'll email them agiain. -User:Dagestan
OK, I've got the email:
Hi Daniel, Thank you for your message. You may use only the TEXT, not the images. Source should be mentioned as "" Regards from Lisbon, Miguel Torres Curado (and
(See? There's my permission!) -User:Dagestan
Uhhhhh... It's been a day now. Can you please bring it back? I have my proof. -User:Dagestan