The mount of Taniquetil is considered to be the most holiest mountains in all of Ea (according to the Valaquenta). Upon its peak sits the castle of Manwe and Varda who can seek out virtually everthing that moves in Arda; save for Melkor whose hidden fortress of Utumno eludes the watchful eyes of King Manwe. It is upon this mountain that a great feast was held by the Valar during the Days of the Two Trees. During that great party, Melkor and the spider-beast Ungoliant snuck into Valmar, chief city of Valinor, and literally poisened the Two Trees of Telperion and Laurelin, killing them and plunging Aman and Arda into darkness. This disaster caused the flighting of the Noldor from Valinor and the approaching Wars of Beleriand; thus ending the Days of the Two Trees and bringing forth the First Age of Middle-earth. -- 12:58, 29 Jun 2004 (UTC)Sal Della Villa (June 29, 2004)