Talk:Stock phrase
Page needs cleaning, splitting or to be otherwise dealt with. Sanguinus 10:47, 8 Dec 2004 (UTC)
Synchronicity: Convienence store clerk wished me to "have a nice day", tonight, just before I read this entry.
kevinb9n: is it just me, or is this page more joke-y than it is useful?
Exorcism Tongs: I don't think the part about "popular culture" really makes sense. Since when was "hacked by chinese" or "fhqwhgads" used as a "spoken phrase" "carrying meaning only through custom or context"? I think those should be divided into "catchphrases" and "nerd lingo" and moved to more appropriate pages.
Page is questionable
The examples listed at the top are general and just thing "people say". The article then states:
"Certain stock phrases originate from TV, films, video games, and computer worms, and soon become a part of popular culture."
The examples are questionanle and are not the same as the stock phrases listed above. I think the article should be about one or the other, or made clear that quotes are different to normal stock phrases.
Also, it is questionable whether computer worms even give way to quotations (in normal culture!).
- Jax
Wang chung...
This will be seen as a humourous troll but:
Surely 'Everybody wang chung tonight' should have it's own page by now.
Now, now, don't DisagreeByDeleting!
Hacked By Chinese
Oddly enough, I used this phrase just yesterday, before i had seen this page. Firestorm 22:09, May 24, 2005 (UTC)