Talk:Soul Mate
The singer expresses his deep-felt lust for a girl who seems to resist his attempts at seduction. Seduction has nothing to do with finding a soul mate. Seduction will draw in other seducers, not real soul mates.
You will find your soul mate once you can give yourself the same unconditional love you desire to receive from another. You will draw your soul mate to you through 'The Law of Attraction', which in Physics is the mutual action by which bodies or particles of matter tend to draw together or cohere. You must be the kind of person you wish to attract.
TO FIND A SOUL MATE, a true love that has risen above seduction, ego, pride, and superficiality, you must find Self Love. Finding Self Love is the first step to finding a soul mate. The big question is “HOW DO I LEARN TO LOVE MYSELF?”
Love is defined as strong affection or liking for someone or something. Self Love can be translated as self-confidence, self-like, self-esteem, self-acceptance, and self-respect. Let us look at these definitions from Webster’s, and then apply them to the concept of the Self:
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Confidence translates as trust, reliance, assurance; belief in one’s own abilities. You must trust in and believe in yourself - have self-confidence.
Like translates as to be pleased with; enjoy. You must be pleased with yourself, and enjoy your own company - have self like.
Esteem translates as to value highly, to consider, favorable opinion. You must consider your own opinion as valuable - have self-esteem.
Acceptance translates as approval, belief in. You must approve of and believe in yourself - have self-acceptance.
Respect translates as to feel or show honor or esteem for, to show consideration for. You must consider your own needs and honor them - have self-respect.
Please note the acronym CLEAR above and the hidden acronyms REAL and EAR. These words become apparent when studying the concept of Self Love. These three words are very important in our understanding of Self Love, so should also be analyzed closely, and applied to the concept of Self. Again, we will use Webster's to define their meanings:
CLEAR is translated as transparent, easily seen or heard, not obscure, obvious, certain, positive, free from guilt, guiltless, free from debt, free from obstruction, open, all the way, completely, to free from impurities, to prove the innocence of.
REAL is translated as existing as or in fact, actual, true, genuine, AUTHENTIC. Please consider that the word clear contains the word real within it, which means that you cannot be CLEAR without being REAL.
EAR is translated as the part of the body that perceives sound; ones sense of hearing or hearing ability; -be all ears to listen attentively -give or lend ear to give attention; heed. Please consider that the word clear contains the word ear within it, which means that you cannot be clear without listening to yourself.
Practicing being CLEAR and REAL, with yourself and others, by doing and saying what you hear with your inner EAR, develops Self Love. You must learn to communicate your real self clearly to others. Self Love is learned through practicing authenticity. This means you must learn to stop playing roles, or wearing masks that hide your true nature before you can find your soul mate.
Author: Shelley Cates Taken from my website [1] (
Nominate for deletion
This page was created nearly three years ago and has had no substantial input since then. It is incomplete, does not conform to Wikipedia standards, and contains no useful information. It should be deleted. DanMS 02:51, 15 Jun 2005 (UTC)