Talk:Smith-Morra Gambit
We need a little context here. The first sentence should be something like: "In chess the Smith-Morra Gambit is....". I'm not qualified to add it, could someone oblige? Thanks -- sannse 20:22, 7 Sep 2003 (UTC)
Um. Maybe something a little closer to standard chess diagrams? :-) Evercat 02:43, 14 Oct 2003 (UTC)
- I'll see if I can whip something up. --Camembert
- Hm, well I've made the images, but I can't seem to upload them - I'm getting an error message. I'll put them up as soon as I can. --Camembert
- Odd, they showed up on Recent changes. I've made the article point to them. Evercat 03:02, 14 Oct 2003 (UTC)
- Oh yes, I didn't notice that - they were uploaded after all. Peculiar. --Camembert
I think that the line given should probably be removed, or others added. There are several defenses to the Morra gambit, and the one cited is [so far as I know] not a recommended one (at the very least Black typically arranges things so that White has to play Bf4 before weakening the f7-a2 diagonal with d5.
The recommendations in Jeremy Silman's Repertoire book, Joe Gallagher's _Beating the Anti-Sicilians_ and Alexander Raetsky's _Meeting e5_ are all different from each other, and all superior (in my view) to the one given here.
Sorry,that last comment was from me Phantym
- You're right, of course - the article needs a lot of work. Do feel free to knock it into shape. --Camembert