Talk:Reptilian humanoid


This article is disputed for its neutrality?! I have read it, and it is packed with information. Absolutely packed.

If you call this a lack of neutrality, then it's as guilty as hell.

But, for the love of God, the author declares that s/he is describing a recurrent concept; precisely the purpose of an Encyclopedia!

There is no harm here. Personally I worry that the critics of the entry "Reptilian humanoid" might actually be the avatars of one person working for the ADL.

And by the way, I said "MIGHT actually be...", so, no, you can't dispute my neutrality either; unless you truly are shooting to kill, as it were.

Wikipedia is the new Usenet, and unless something is done very soon it will wind up as useless and choked with trolls, kooks, and spam as Usenet is now.


Politeness aside, most readers would agree that Anonymous may well be 1) insane; 2) a liar. The scenario offered is false. This isn't even based on my opposing scenario. It's based on probabilities. Lines have to be drawn in the sand when misconceptions are offered as truth, no room for diplomacy. Decius 10:59, 12 Jun 2005 (UTC)

I do not understand your sudden attacks on this information. It would appear to me that you have programming issues and that you have been triggered to say these things. I have seen you make connections between linguistic etymologies and non-physical, or astral, beings. Yet for some reason you offhandedly dismiss the reality of this information. As I told you before, you must research this matter more thoroughly before you can make any comments on its reality. I can provide you with many sources and information proving the Draco civilisation's existence in Earth's past. You can find these for yourself as well.

I was taking the role of the 'enquiring mind' earlier, but I have studied the literature for years, and much of my statements here were tactics (though nothing I said was deception). Any who take Anonymous' road will regret it. It leads to a codified religious system defended by ludicrous props rather than a representation of the facts. Decius 11:14, 12 Jun 2005 (UTC)

It would appear to me that you are the one following a codified religious set of 'facts' which are in reality mere interpretations and theories. You are so sure of your previous conceptions of reality that there is, for whatever reason, no room for anything else. I know what I know about these beings not because of some religious creed, but because of what I have personally experienced, and what I have personally researched. You are making many drastic assumptions which do not follow a logical pattern of thought.

I have no regard for anything but truth. The golden rule to note in people's arguments: if it twitches like a lie---it is a lie. Decius 11:18, 12 Jun 2005 (UTC)

I too have no regard for anything but truth. But truth is not known to modern man on Earth, especially with the weight of mind-control that currently pins down his ability to see truth. The truth is not some established idea on Earth, by scholars, a 'fact'. The truth is an archetype residing in the true hyperspace state of reality, and can only be grasped from within one's own spirit. I strongly recommend you investigate this information. Also, be warned that many sources and academics are controlled agents designed to mislead away from truth, as are most religious institutions. Anonymous

For goodness sake's man, no one can stop you from believing what you believe,

It is not about 'belief', in my position. It is about what I know. I do not think that people should be denied this information. That is all.

and if you feel you have mental freedom in believing what you believe, then maybe it gives you happiness. I am certain the scenario you believe in is false

Because it conflicts with your current belief system

---in other words, it does not match objective reality.

Whose objective reality? It may not match your perceived reality, but it does match the physical experiences of many others.

It is not my aim to change your views.

It is not my aim to encourage anyone to have a 'view', but merely to expand their perceptions.

You have said nothing here which indicates that your view is in line with reality.

Your opinion of reality. You are very quick to make judgements before you actually research a subject. I recommend improving this mind-pattern, and being more perceptive.

Everything you have said is in line with the existing literature, and was probably stitched together. Your scenario is even reminiscent of a scenario that H. P. Blavatsky presented in her work, The Secret Doctrine, back in the 1880's.

Blavatsky was a programmed slave (literally, using ancient traumatic mind-control techniques) of Illuminati controllers. Her 'exoteric' information is far different from the 'esoteric' information. She admitted in a letter to her sister that the Ascended Masters were the royalty, noblemen, occultists and military men who controlled her (). Her information, at least that which was published publically, is disinformation, for the outer circles and the unwashed masses. It was based on the ancient texts possessed by the Knight Templars, Order of the Golden Dawn, and the Vatican, which in turn were based upon actual events and civilisations that existed in Earth's past. Her description of Lemuria in the public documents is extremely distorted, portraying the androgynous reptilian Lemurians as being 'peaceful and ascended', when in reality their society was a brutal, hierarchical Empire not unlike the Empire of Japan.

Add a few modernistic dashes here & there, and we have the scenario you present. Decius 00:17, 13 Jun 2005 (UTC)

This is a very incorrect and exagerrated view. It would take months, or even years, to go through all of the information relating to this that I know, and I have only been given a day or so to go through a minute portion of it, and broad information.

It is apparent that such scenarios, in book after book by author after author, have built on each other, till by the late 20th century, early 21st century many of the major features (such as the sunken Pacific continent; or Atlantis; etc.) have been cemented down in the literature to the point where they take on the semblance of reality.

This is an incorrect perception and another of your mechanisms used to offhandedly dismiss information. This sort of information has been around since the alleged dawn of human civilisation and beyond. It is not a fabrication of 'modern authors'.

It forms a parallel fictional continuity to real life, where Lemurians, Atlanteans, and Reptilian humanoids from outer space march forth and live, given extravagant detailed histories, et cetera.

Most of the information out there, that is widely known among the masses, regarding these subjects , is disinformation. The truth is indeed available to the public through some sources, but is largely unknown due to the control that exists over public education, the media, and many staged, controlled 'academics' who are paid to cover up the truth.
These scenarios are invariably held together by speculation and misconceptions. Rarely will you find two that are exactly alike. Most of them are mutually inconsistent. 
This appearance results from the large amounts of disinformation that constantly spew forth from 'gurus', 'ascended masters', the outer circles of secret societies, the government, religions, the media, and academia. Any reliable source leaves out no truth, or, more commonly, forgiveably assumes that reality is closer to mainstream 'reality' than it actually is (for instance those who assume that the Lemurians were simply humans who followed a serpent cult).

There is no science or objective method to them.

You have thus far demonstrated little knowledge of investigative methods. You seem to assume that the same method employed by a chemist should be that employed by a historian, when this is patently impossible and ludicrous. Objectivity is seeing things in complete neutrality and dealing with evidence in a completley unbiased manner. You appear to enjoy applying previously imprinted biases upon investigations and jumping to conclusions without any research. That is very unscientific. Also, please stop abusing the term 'scientific' as though it applies to all academic studies. This is simply not true, and can be very misleading. I come from a family of mathematicians and scientists, and study physics myself. I do not attempt to constantly pretend that history or linguistics are 'scientific' pursuits, when they are not, simply to make myself look more 'rigorous'. There is a modern obsession with the term 'scientific', in which it is applied to places that it should not, and used haphazardly to make idiotic theories look plausible. An example is the idea of random mutation leading to evolutionary development in organisms. This is an absolutely mathematically insane proposition, and yet, because it is promoted by many 'reputable' 'scientists', and deemed by them 'scientific', it gains acceptance even among mathematicians! This is how mind-control works. Labels supercede Logic. I would recommend not simply giving reasons why something 'can't be true', but to actually, objectively, i.e. neutrally approach a topic and study it, and make logical connections, without being triggered into a frenzy of denial the moment that a piece of the 'puzzle' does not fit with your pre-existing perceptions of 'reality'.
They are modern religious systems or mythical systems. Decius 00:40, 13 Jun 2005 (UTC)

As stated earlier, much of 'science' is a modern religious/mythical system, with no grounding in reality. Much of 'medicine' is absolute pseudoscience, such as the idea that systemic treatment with poisonous chemicals is benefitial to the patient in any way besides numbing their agony. Another example of bizarre pseudoscience is the poppycock that chemicals such as aspartame or silicon fluoride are safe for human consumption, or should be present in any of our foods or drinks, or municipal water. 'Modern' science contains many scams, lies, and frauds. A large concentration of them are, not coincidentally, born from the maws of the most 'reputed' insitutions of 'higher learning' and governmental organisations like the FDA.

As I said before, the basic premise is possible: physical reptilian humanoids from an extraterrestrial location settled on earth in the past. Yes, many things are possible. That is no excuse to go off the deep-end and weave elaborate scenarios and present them as fact.

I did not 'weave' any of this. I know it from experience, it is corroborated by others' physical experience and enormous quantities of physical evidence, by all of the world's ancient societie, etc. I have explained this many times. If you knew what symbolism and information to look for, it would be as obvious to you as it is to me. Unfortunately, so much of the most important information has been withheld from Earth-humanity that it is no surprise that he is totally lost in a deluge of lies, dislogic, and delusion.

Scenarios which are based on a rehashment of the literature, wild speculations, and alleged experiences.

How can you make these assumptions when you have really not researched anything at all yet? Maybe after months or your having researched this matter, you can come to me and make wild and broad claims like this, but before you do it, do not tell me these sorts of outright suppositions and assumptions.

Like I said, I don't know what makes you so convinced. Even supposing you experienced something outside the range of normal human experience, those experieces still cannot make fact out of fiction. Decius 00:48, 13 Jun 2005 (UTC)

However, facts, proof, and enormous numbers of reputable witnesses and sources can, and do. Research the matter! Stop pretending that you merely 'know best' without having done so! Happy information hunting. [[Anonymous]

I will quote Blavatsky and summarize her ideas to show people how these scenarios developed overtime.

As I have already stated, Blavatsky was a mind-controlled slave, and the public figurehead for a secret society which possessed the actual information. She is not a source to bother quoting. She admitted to having been a programmed slave long ago.

Note that I'm not saying that the lack of originality falsifies anything.

I would say that 'lack of originality' makes it likely that there is some underlying truth, as well as an extensive disinformation campaign regarding a given issue.

Most of my ideas are based on very old ideas (ancient, in fact).

And what, exactly, are your ideas? Can you outline them in some detail?

But the fact that early versions of these scenarios are documented will show us how these scenarios developed over time, one building on another, objective methods being left behind and speculation given free reign. Decius 01:13, 13 Jun 2005 (UTC)

This is what happened with the disinformation, the New Age garble, the religions, and the government disinformation. This is not what happened with perception of actual reality. As more information became known to parts of the public, the Illuminati and others created disinformation to confuse the masses regarding the truth. The same has happened with mainstream 'scientific' belief systems. There is always some pathetic and unscientific means to explain away reality, to keep the masses in a box, and out of control of their own minds.

The point of this is not whether Blavatsky's ideas are in anyway accurate. She is definitely as wildly inaccurate as you.

Simply calling my information 'wildly inaccurate' does not make it so. It simply places a label on it, in your mind, which keeps you from investigating whether or not there is any truth to it. This is a form of mental programming and pre-conditioned response. I would recommend you not submit to it, and think more clearly. Labels are not going to do anything to objective reality. The map is not the territory.

The fact is that her ideas, though not all originating from her, do form much of the nucleus of these later scenarios. Decius 01:39, 13 Jun 2005 (UTC)

Her ideas were part of the late 19th century initiation of the Illuminati disinformation campaign called the 'New Age', which distributes false information mixed with some truth, to mislead the masses. This culminated with the CIA-engineered 'hippie' movement of the '60s, which destroyed the actual political uprisings of the time, and has worsened since then.
As I have said, and will repeat again, in quotes,

"Do not be quick to dismiss any of this. Also, do not be quick to accept it. Just research for yourself. Never offhandedly dismiss or accept anything. Get out of the "label this, label that" mentality, and think clearly, methodically, and logically. Also, I will warn you, again, turn off your TV! Throw it out if you have to! TV is good for nothing but subliminal mind-control. TV news does not even report what is in the newspapers, and admittedly peddles government-funded propaganda (fake newscasts)."

Please, take heed to these words. Perhaps you should read over my initial posting on this Discussion page, once more, and really look at the information in it. Anonymous

Also, I want to ask you this: Are you aware that criminal organisations essentially control the media, key aspects of major governments, nearly all intelligence agencies, many academics and 'historians', and many other sources which influence the minds and actions of the population? Are you aware of the plans for a New World Order, which involves total mind-control of the masses, and is being executed at this time? If you are not, I recommend that, even more importantly than investigating true history, you investigate this criminal organisation. Anonymous

On the battlefield, you have to make decisions quickly, based on knowledge and instinct. I have made my decision. Decius 02:55, 16 Jun 2005 (UTC)

You are not on "the battlefield". You are in reality (at least physically), where you have plenty of time to research and study, and find out the actual, objective truth, rather than assuming that some quasi-religious belief system already has it. Atun

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