Talk:Physical chemistry
I wanted to add a term to your glossary, since good encyclopedias include technical terms one might not find in ordinary dictionaries. The structure of your site does not make it obvious where to add the word "bristance". My father was trained in ordnance in WWII, and used "bristance" to describe the maximum pressure a given chemical reaction could generate. I haven't looked hard enough to find an alphabetical listing, nor any headings for chemical reactions or explosives or explosive materials. I guess I could not blame you if you wish to wait before fleshing out technical terms of a mostly military nature, but then, you might want to rethink your blanket recommendation that the work is to be done without bias or discrimination. I believe that some forms of non-racial discrimination are good. Indeed, "discriminating" used to carry a positive connotation.
Chemical physics is a stub. Semantically, is there enough of a difference between that and physical chemistry to warrant separate articles? -- Christopherlin 03:06, 18 Jun 2004 (UTC) (forgot to log in)