
It's easily proven that no heteromecic number with its second constituent factor being a prime can be a nontotient. I have a feeling that no heteromecic number is a nontotient, even when neither of the two constituent factors is a prime. I also have a feeling that this has already been proven long before I was born. PrimeFan 21:20, 25 Jun 2004 (UTC)


Words for nontotients in other languages

The enthusiasm Wikipedias in other languages have shown in creating Lists of numbers and related articles has revealed a lack of translations for certain words which professional mathematicians and mathematical amateurs alike in the English-speaking world take for granted. "Nontotient", and its related terms, are just a few examples.

So to help with this endeavor, here are the words in various languages. Actual terms will be linked to the appropriate Wikipedia article. Proposed terms that have yet to be adopted will simply be shown without formatting. Anyone should feel free to suggest terms.



nl:niettotient, nietcototient, (highly?) totient, (highly?) cototient

Hi, I authored some Dutch pages. I invented some translations (not knowing some mathematicians inside parlor). At least "Indicator van n" is more common than "Euler's totient function", making indicator a more probable correct translation of totient than totient. That might leave the translation of nontotient open for questioning. I do have to reread Beginselen van de Getallenleer by P.Wijdenes (published 1949) again to see if I could find a trace of concepts like nontotient, cototient, noncototient, highly totient and highly cototient. Give me time. Gebruiker:Dedalus 21:50, 15 Feb 2005 (UTC)
If totient turns out not to be right, the pages can be moved to the correct term. Anton Mravcek 22:17, 15 Feb 2005 (UTC)


nontotient, noncototient, highly totient number, highly cototient number


fr:anti-indicateur, fr:anti-co-indicateur, nombre altamente indicatif, nombre altamente co-indicatif


Keinteilerfremdzählzahl, Kokeinteilerfremdzählzahl, Hochteilerfremdzählzahl, Hochkoteilerfremdzählzahl


anti-indicatore, anti-co-indicatore, numero altamente indicatore, numero altamente co-indicatore


nontotiente, noncototiente, numero altamente totiente, numero altamente cototiente





tuještevno število, nesotuještevno število, zelo tuještevno število, zelo sotuještevno število (based on English term "coprime count")


netuještevno število, nesotuještevno število, zelo tuještevno število, zelo sotuještevno število

One of the terms used in a sentence: Netuještevno število je pozitivno celo število n, ki ni v dosegu Eulerjeve funkcije f, oziroma, za katerega f(x) = n nima rešitve. Ali z drugimi besedami, n je 'netuještevno število', če ne obstaja nobeno takšno celo število x, ki bi imelo natančno n manjših tujih števil.

Rejected proposals: število/števec tujih števil, števec kazalec, kazalec štetja, netotientno število


nontotiente, noncototiente, número altamente totiente, número altamente cototiente


contraindicador, contracoindicador, numero altamente indicativo, numero altamente coindicador

i like the words with "totient" better. Numerao 23:38, 22 Dec 2004 (UTC)


Old words and new words

Wikipedia's mission is to report facts, not produce them. However, for Wikipedias in some languages, it will be necessary to coin new terms. I see nothing wrong with coining new terms and using these new terms in Talk pages and edit summaries. But the new term may be used in an actual article only after it has been proven that the language did not have an existing term for the concept, and the new term has proven itself with experts and aficionados alike.

Having thus put my misgivings out in the open, I will join this effort of coining words to translate "nontotient." Robert Happelberg 13:59, 23 Dec 2004 (UTC)


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