Talk:Newton (disambiguation)

A compound SI unit, the newton is the unit of force, defined as the amount of force required to accelerate a one kilogram mass at a rate of one metre per second per second. It is also the unit of weight, as weight is the force acting between two objects due to gravity.

What about similar units, like the kelvin? --Ed Poor

Certainly we shouldn't lose the definition above. How about moving to Newton (unit) ? -- DrBob

Why did you move the pages around, Mav? --Ed Poor

Whoever made the disambiguation page to begin with didn't bother to fix the links. Each link I checked wanted to go directly to the unit of force. The Apple Newton is called just that and Issac Newton does have a first name the cities can be naturally disambiguated but the poor unit of force does not have a naturally disambiguated equivelant. Thus the move. --mav
Well, when you put it that way I can't help but agree. You see, I sympathize with that "poor unit of force". -- Poor Ed

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