
As my first day as a logged user, I have made an addition to the meaning of Necronomicon; hope to be welcomed. The Warlock

Re. the first para. discussion of the meaning of the word: I have to take issue with the "more prosaic (but probably more correct) translation". If the book is an invention of Lovecraft, then surely his definition of the meaning must be the correct one! -- Pamplemousse 05:37, 31 Aug 2003 (UTC)


declination to conjugation

For the record: the problems that require editting

A more prosaic (but probably more correct) translation, is via a declination of nemo (to consider): "Concerning the dead".


A more prosaic (but probably more correct) translation, is via conjugation of nemo (to consider): "Concerning the dead".


  1. altho "declination" also derives from "decline", in the grammatical context the noun is "declension";
  2. nouns, pronouns, and adjectives get declined; verbs get conjugated;
  3. a conjugation is the whole table in its normal order, not one entry in the table. (Something similar is true of "declension", even tho in Latin there are multiple declensions (identified by ordinal numbers); these may have to do with Latin having more cases, or more of what non-scholars would confuse with cases, than many other languages.)

(Hmm, is that the start of an article?) --Jerzy 19:50, 2003 Nov 13 (UTC)

Just a Tip

The Necronomicon itself is an actual text, but it is not at all that ancient. It was written by H.P. Lovecraft himself under the pseudonym "The Mad Arab Abdul Alhazred." I suggest you edit your definition lest some poor soul be misled by the information and attempt to wreak havoc across the land with a bogus curse.

(Though I must say, I have tried a few spells in the Necronomicon and they have at least given me the illusion that they do work, considering that 90% of the time they are actually put into effect) User:NeverLasting

Actually, you are wrong, User:Neverlasting. That text you are thinking of is probably the Simon Necronomicon, a modern concoction which blends Lovecraft's ideas with authentic ancient Sumerian magic. It is not the Necronomicon, nor was it written by H.P. Lovecraft. As far as is known from his surviving writings, Lovecraft never wrote a Necronomicon, though in a number of his stories he wrote up some short 'excerpts' from the text (tantalizing and well-crafted excerpts). There is no evidence that a Necronomicon existed before Lovecraft first mentioned the book in one of his weird tales. Decius 17:00, 31 May 2005 (UTC)
You may also have had in mind the various other modern fake Necronomicons, none of which are authentic and none of which were written by Lovecraft. Though since the Simon version is the most popular fake, I'm guessing that is the one you were referring to. Decius 18:38, 31 May 2005 (UTC)

Known text excerpts

I've collected a number of excerpts from Lovecrafts stories, where he's directly quoting the Necronomicon. I thought it would be interesting to put these all together somewhere, if not in this article then perhaps in WikiQuotes or WikiBooks to make some form of fragmented official text, whichever would be most appropriate. Any thoughts? -- Quoth 02:17, 14 Apr 2005 (UTC)

  • Probably WikiBooks...I think. Ask them, maybe? [[User:Premeditated Chaos|]] 17:08, 3 Jun 2005 (UTC)

Correct translation

Probably Necro-Nomicon, the first one listed in the article. Cf. Astronomicon. Though since the book may simply be fictional and Lovecraft may have had no exact idea of the meaning he intended, it may be irrelevant to speculate which is more correct. Decius 08:13, 29 May 2005 (UTC)


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